Uganda High-Level Meeting to Endorse Action Plans On Managing for Development Results

29 June 2015
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

High-level officials are meeting in the Ugandan capital Kampala from June 29-30, 2015 to give the green light on a proposed action plan on mainstreaming managing for development results (MfDR) at the national and regional levels.

A member of the Africa for Results (AfriK4R) initiative of the African Community of Practice (AfCoP), Uganda hopes to accelerate its efforts at establishing results-based management as the go-to change management process for results-oriented and accountable programmes and implementation structures. The East African nation is also poised to benefit from harmonized regional policies grounded in MfDR principles and practices within the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).

AfCoP's flagship AfriK4R initiative seeks to help accelerate regional integration; establish effective public financial systems; facilitate trade; and improve the business climate on the African continent through knowledge and best practice exchange on results-based management between member states of COMESA and the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU).

The high-level meeting represents Uganda's second activity under its AfriK4R country roadmap on attaining results and will prove crucial to reaching a consensus on priority areas, gaining stakeholder commitment, engaging political decision-makers, and ultimately, the implementation of the action plan.

The two-day meeting will be opened by the Minister for General Duties at the Office of the Prime Minister, Tarsis Kabwegyere, with remarks by Monitoring and Evaluation Commissioner at the Office of the Prime Minister Albert Byamugisha and the African Development Bank's Resident Representative, Jeremy Mutonga. A diverse audience of about 50 high-level representatives in government and parliament, as well as stakeholders from the private sector, academia, and civil society, is expected.

The event is organised by Uganda's Office of the Prime Minister, with support from the Bank's Uganda Field Office, the Ugandan community of practice on managing results and the AfCoP Secretariat based in the Bank's Quality and Results Department.

For further information on the AfriK4R initiative and AfCoP please visit the AfCoP Website:

The African Community of Practice (AfCoP) is a coalition of over 4,000 development leaders and practitioners from 68 countries globally. AfCoP members work for African governments, civil society, and as independent experts in the field. The African Development Bank (AfDB), in partnership with the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), is supporting AfCoP in mainstreaming MfDR on the continent with a focus on regional integration.

The Africa for Results (AfriK4R) initiative, AfCoP's flagship program, aims to promote regional integration in Africa through the use of managing for development results (MfDR) principles and practices. To date, 17 countries have committed to the AfriK4R initiative, namely Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The WAEMU and COMESA regional economic communities are also partners on the AfriK4R initiative.

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