President Kaberuka Receives Benin's Highest Honours

Kaberuka received the honours on the occasion of his last official visit to Benin as AfDB President.
17 August 2015
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

African Development Bank President Donald Kaberuka was awarded on Monday, August 10 in Cotonou, Benin, the country's highest honours, the title of Grand Officer in the National Order of Benin.

Kaberuka received the honours on the occasion of his last official visit to Benin as AfDB President. The award was in recognition of the important role played by Kaberuka at the head of the African Development Bank, in improving the lives of all Africans and the people of Benin in particular.

Benin's President Boni Yayi saluted Kaberuka's leadership and his vision, which he said permitted the Bank to position itself as one of Africa's premier development institutions and a key player in the continent's regional integration.

Upon receiving the award, Kaberuka noted that it was in fact a recognition of the efforts and achievements of the entire Bank staff. He thanked the Benin Government for the recognition and noted that the award highlighted the good relations between Benin and the Bank. Kaberuka also thanked the President of Benin and his government for their support to his candidacy as head of the pan-African institution 10 years ago.

Kaberuka saluted the progress made by Benin and invited the Government to pursue its reforms targeting growth and poverty reduction. On that note, he called on Benin's authorities to take advantage of the country's political stability and proximity to the Nigerian market and the markets of its West African neighbours, and its membership in the West African Economic and Monetary Union to reinforce the country's macroeconomic stability.

Kaberuka reiterated his faith in Africa and noted that each country has potential and its own unique advantages which should be identified and harnessed in an effort to transform the continent.

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