Deputies Welcome Progress in Implementing the 13th Replenishment of African Development Fund

19 November 2015
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
press release

The work under African Development Fund's 13th replenishment (ADF-13) is on track and on target: this was the collective message when ADF Deputies and AfDB Group Senior Management convened in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire from November 11 to 13, 2015 to review its progress half-way through its implementation. They were joined at this Mid-Term Review by representatives from Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Malawi - all ADF-eligible borrowing countries - as well as observers from other International Financial Institutions such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank.

In his opening remarks, AfDB Group President Akinwumi Adesina thanked donors for their continued support to Africa. President Adesina acknowledged that while much has been accomplished, a lot more needs to be done, not least in focusing the AfDB Group's current 2013-2022 Ten Year Strategy more sharply on the five major development outcomes ("the High 5s") of Lighting up and powering Africa, Feeding Africa, Industrialising Africa, Integrating Africa, and Improving the quality of life for the people of Africa. "We will do more, we will do better, we will do it more efficiently," he said.

ADF Deputies commended the Bank for its successful return to Abidjan, and welcomed progress made in prioritizing its operations as well as the swift response to Ebola outbreak. A number of key issues were discussed, including the findings of an independent evaluation of the ADF-12 and ADF-13 commitments, the Fund's operational priorities, and the Bank Group's institutional effectiveness. The meeting discussed progress on the fragility and transition support agendas. It noted with satisfaction that the Fund has made significant progress in mainstreaming gender in its operations, achieving decisive outcomes for women's empowerment in areas including transport, agriculture, water and sanitation. Participants also commended the Bank's action in countries facing fragile situations. Participants agreed that ADF is changing the lives of millions of African people, and that - as the Fund is making such a difference - they will strongly support ADF-14 to continue addressing fragility and building resilience on the continent. Switzerland announced an increase in its contribution to the ADF by CHF 21 million (US$ 21.2 million).

Participants visited the Gourou Integrated Watershed Management Project in four districts of Abidjan. With an ADF grant of US$32 million, the project has benefitted 2.8 million people. To counter serious annual flooding and the health and economic problems it brought, the Fund supported the rehabilitation and development of infrastructure for sanitation and storm water drainage. "Now we have nothing to fear," said one housewife, who met the Deputies. "This place has now become more attractive and clean."

About the African Development Fund

The African Development Fund (ADF) is the concessional window of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group. Its aim is to contribute to poverty reduction and economic and social development in low-income African countries. It was established in 1972, and became operational in 1974. Since its inception, the Fund has made over US$ 40 billion loans and grants. The 40 ADF-eligible countries range from those at the threshold of becoming credit-worthy, middle-income economies, and to those that remain fragile and need special assistance for basic levels of service delivery.

In 2013, participants agreed on a replenishment amount of US$ 7.3 billion for the 2014 to 2016 cycle, of which US$ 1 billion would be dedicated to a special facility for states in fragile situations. The replenishment included donor contributions of US$ 5.8 billion, representing a slight increase over their contributions for ADF-12 (2011-2013).

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