Official Launch of the Tanzania Sustainable Energy for All (Se4all) Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus

13 July 2016
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)

Tanzania's Minister of Energy and Minerals, Sospeter Muhongo, with the participants to the official launch of national Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus (Photo courtesy of UNDP).

Tanzania's Minister of Energy and Minerals, Sospeter Muhongo officially launched the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus for Tanzania during a workshop attended by the UN Resident Coordinator for Tanzania, Alvaro Rodriguez, the EU Ambassador to Tanzania, Roeland Van De Geer, and the AfDB's Resident Representative in Tanzania, Tonia Kandiero.

Organized by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals in collaboration with UNDP, the workshop marked the official launch of the Tanzania SE4All Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus. The Action Agenda was developed in an inclusive process bringing together key stakeholders from government, development partners, private sector and civil society, setting Tanzania's 2030 targets as far as access to electricity and clean cooking solutions, the share of renewables and the rate of improvement of energy efficiency are concerned, as well as the priority actions required to be implemented to achieve these objectives.

The Action Agenda is an umbrella energy sector development document and constitutes a national response to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 7 on energy adopted in September 2015 by the UN General Assembly that strives to "ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern and energy for all". The African Development Bank supported the development process of Action Agenda and Investment Prospectus with technical assistance financed via the African Climate Technology Centre (ACTC) following a request from the Government of Tanzania.

In his key note address, Minister Muhongo underscored Tanzania's firm commitment to realizing the SE4All agenda noting that it is the people that need to be at the center of all actions. Daniel-Alexander Schroth, the SE4All Africa Hub Coordinator, presented the state of play of SE4All in Africa and highlighted the importance of moving quickly towards implementation of the priorities identified in the Action Agenda noting that energy is a key priority for the AfDB with the New Deal on Energy for Africa, which will involve the Bank's increased investments across Africa. He further announced a follow-up technical assistance support to the Ministry focused on the institutionalization of SE4All in Tanzania, notably the design and operationalization of a dedicated SE4All Secretariat, and resource mobilization.

A roundtable discussion with key representatives of various Tanzanian organizations, including the Rural Energy Agency, the Tanzania Traditional Energy Development and Environment Organization, the Tanzania Renewable Energy Association, Power Africa, EU Delegation, DFID, WWF and the National Gender and Sustainable Energy Network discussed how to translate the agenda into action re-affirming their respective institution's support to this endeavor.

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