Senegal Includes the ASDI and T21 Model in Its Planning

23 November 2016

Dakar, 15 - 17 November 2016 (ECA/SRO-WA). - Senegal has, since February 2014, embarked on the implementation of the Plan Senegal Emergent -PSE-2014-2018, the first plan intended to operationalize Vision Senegal 2035. Priority is thus given to the implementation of effective tools for the formulation, analysis, monitoring and evaluation of development policies. In this respect, the Government of Senegal, in collaboration with ECA, initiated the development and popularization of three major tools in the development policy formulation, monitoring, analysis and evaluation mechanism. They consist in the development of a platform to monitor the life cycle of projects/programs, the simulation and projection model T21-Senegal as well as the African Social Development Index (ASDI) developed by ECA.

Furthermore, from 15 to 17 November 2016, more than 50 national executives from structures involved in planning, in particular the Directorate of Planning and the Studies and Planning Units of about ten sectoral Ministries shared the platform provided by ECA to monitor the life cycle of projects/programs. This innovative tool which facilitates the automated interaction of stakeholders of public investments will, in the long term, ensure enhanced public spending effectiveness and a greater degree of transparency and accountability in the implementation of development programs.

With regard to ASDI, ECA's intervention enabled Senegal to undertake a national ASDI study which was shared with participants. The analysis made it possible to identify the main dimensions of exclusion disaggregated by sex and administrative areas as regards child health, nutrition, education, employment and life expectancy. The discussions that followed the presentations unveiled the areas of intervention in the fields of health, education and employment to ensure that economic growth, estimated at over 6% in 2015-2016, becomes more inclusive.

As for the T-21 Senegal model, its appropriation by Senegal has resulted in national applications to analyze the social inclusion of PSE 2014-2018 and the agricultural sector. In addition to discussing the findings of these analyses, the meeting provided the opportunity to carry out economic policy simulations. A broad consensus was reached on the relevance of the model. By including the social, economic and environmental dimensions, the T21 model is a tool tailored to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals.

The three-day meeting on planning which was attended by two representatives of the ECA Sub-Regional Office for West Africa (ECA/SRO-WA) is in line with the ECA Project in support to Senegal launched in June 2015 and focused on capacity building in development planning.

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Sub-Regional Office for West Africa (ECA/SRO-WA)

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