South Africa: What You're Saying About Patricia De Lille and the Democratic Alliance's Choice to Axe Her

Patricia De Lille (file photo).
8 May 2018

Cape Town — Embattled Cape Town Mayor Patricia De Lille has held a press conference following the Democratic Alliance's decision to remove her from the party. She announced plans to fight the decision in court and that she is writing a book about this chapter in her political career. Meanwhile, Twitter users took to airing their thoughts on the saga.

Some users were cynical of her motivations, saying:

"#DeLille might wish to clear her name, but she is also milking her conflict with the #DA to substantially raise her profile not only within the Western Cape but nationally as well. #SouthAfrica" -  @DanielSilke

"How can #deLille want to stay Mayor when more than 70% of her caucus don't have confidence in her? Would a football manager stay manager if 70% of the players voted that they have lost confidence in them? Never!" -  @Ant_vT

Opinions regarding the Democratic Alliance's coloured constituency and the effect the decision would have varied.

"To assume I will not be voting for the DA in 2019 because the DA ceased #DeLille membership, just because I'm coloured, is one of the most disillusioned things South Africans really need to stop." -  @calebleumkay

#DeLille Coloureds will still vote for the DA, we all know about their inferiority complex induced obsession with proximity to whites & whiteness as a mechanism to further fuel their perceived but alas misguided belief that they're superior than blacks or simply to feel that way" - @roger_nator

"Any black/coloured or Indian person to vote for these racists next year will be a retard. Let's erase DA from parliament for good. 😐 #DeLille" -  @nkatekoshibambu

"@Our_DA just used #DeLille to get the coloured vote now that they sit comfortable u kick her out .. come 2019 goodbye DA we will not be used!!!" -  @ItzMarchelle

Others had more unique takes on the situation:

"wondering why everyone has their panties all tied up in a knot about #DeLille's removal. look't here: You have a hot girlfriend, you know they're about to dump you so you dump them first in an attempt to retain whatever bit of pride you have left, oldest trick in the book!" -  @IamNotSanele

"No guys, you are wrong. The DA stands for Democratic Alliance. Not 'Darkies Aside' #DeLille" - @iamzithu

"This things of suggesting that #DeLille must join the EFF is very annoying.EFF is not a party of rejects,the EFF has its own dedicated members who did not join because they were rejected elsewhere, EFF is doing very well and will continue to proposer, we do not need her!" -  @mangalaniramav1

The Democratic Alliance justified their decision by saying that De Lille planned on leaving the party anyway, citing a Radio 702 interview with Eusebius McKaiser on April 26 where she said "the writing's on the wall" and that people didn't want her to be there.

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