South Africa: Exposé on Diepsloot Rape Culture Makes Waves

Diepsloot (file photo).
16 July 2018

Cape Town — A 43-minute documentary by BBC Africa crime reporter Golden Mtika on the prevalence of rape in Diepsloot has shocked social media users. "This is one of the most dangerous places in Johannesburg," Mtika says during the film. "If you are found to be walking at night, you risk your life 100%. Rape is something that is very common, and it can often end in murder too".

Twitter users condemned the self-confessed rapists Mtika interviewed, while others hailed the reporter on his exposure of the level of criminality:

Bra Goldi!!!! Such a treasurer this man!!!! He is the reason I survived Diepsloot and fell in love with it's reception

I would really love to see some action being taken after this. Golden is a resident of Diepsloot. Surely he needs to show the SAPS this video.

Some took the documentary as proof of Diepsloot being one of South Africa's worst locations:

it's complete anarchy in diepsloot, bra. oh my god. the rapists who get caught are killed by the community and their bodies are dumped in the open. man, imagine being a 3rd grader walking to school and casually walking past a corpse. nah dawg, that ain't life.

Watched a very disturbing documentary about serial rapists in Diepsloot, possibly the rape capital of South Africa. The interviewer has known David, the serial rapist since childhood and saved him from mob justice one time. He tracked David down to find out why he keeps raping.

Diepsloot is the worst place on earth.

Others were more skeptical:

Honestly, so is every other place. People get raped in high security gated estates, some get robbed and killed, every now and then people get hijacked right in front of their gates in these nice "suburbs". Just that Diepsloot is very dirty they like to write about it. Anyway....

BBC always has these Diepsloot stories that can hardly be verified locally. They also did the Maleven story and it had Diepsloot. They also had another one about Diepsloot mob justice

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