United Nations Update Potential Partners On the Integrated Strategy for the Sahel

24 March 2019

Marrakech (Morocco) — On the margins of the 52 session of the conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and partner UN agencies organised a high-level side event on the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel and the United Nations Support Plan for the Sahel (UNSPS).

This meeting was held in the presence of Ministers of Economy and Finance of Sahel countries, the officials in charge of finance, planning, and economic development, investors, UN representatives, development partners and representatives from the civil society and the private sector on 24 March, in Marrakech, Morroco.

The panelists included the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Guinea, ECA, ECOWAS, United Nations Secretary General for West Africa and the Sahel.

The ECA Sub-Regional Office for West Africa (SRO-WA), in collaboration with the Regional United Nations Sustainable Development Group (R-UNSDG), the Office of the Special Advisor for the Sahel and the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), primarily called this meeting to update government officials and other relevant stakeholders on the implementation of the United Nations Support Plan and other initiatives undertaken by the UN regarding the Sahel.

The event also offered the opportunity for delegates to keep abreast of the ongoing socio-economic study on the Sahel carried out under the auspice of ECA entitled "Sahel 2043: Prospective Study". Specialised institutions working for the Sahel Region and West and Central Africa have also seized the opportunity of the COM to share with delegates their work on the dynamics and future of the Sahel region.

According to the acting Director of ECA-SRO-WA, Mr. Bakary Dosso, "Sahel 2043 is a good example of UN entities and Governments coming together with the people of the Sahel to discuss their future interests and set the grounds for future strategies that improve security, resilience and development".

"This work began exactly one year ago with the request of the Deputy Secretary General, Mrs. Aminah Mohamed to ECA as a Think Tank, to undertake the "Sahel 2043: Prospective Study" as a compliment to the existing planning national, sub-regional and continental level", said Bakary Dosso.

Explaining the content of this study, the acting Director of ECA SRO-WA said that the vision of the Sahel is, "a region of peace, strong institutions based on worthy cultural values, sustainable environment, and managed population dynamics that generate transformed economies for Sahelian prosperity".

Minister of Economy and Finance of Guinea, HE Mamadi Camara, President of the panel of this side event remarked that, "all issues concerning the Sahel Member States have been addressed". The Minister of Economy and Finance of Guinea believes that, "the Sahel countries must join hands to meet the challenges they face in a constructive way".

The Regional Director for West Africa and Central Africa and member of R-UNSDG, Mr. Richard Danziger also emphasized the importance of coordination to avoid disasters as the one that took place in Malia on the 23rd of March 2019 where about 100 people were massacred in regional armed conflicts "When I think about what happened in Malia yesterday, I realise our responsibility to put an end to this cycle of suffering in the Sahel".

The ECOWAS Commissioner in charge of Macroeconomic policy and economic research, HE Kofi Konadu Apraku, concluded the panel discussion by calling on all partners to have a coordinated and concerted efforts to find durable solutions to the challenges of the Sahel.

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