Sudan: Security Forces Move to Break Up Sit-In - Demonstrators

Al Jazeera is broadcasting live footage from the scene in Khartoum on June 3, 2019.
3 June 2019

Cape Town — Sudanese security forces have moved in to break up a protest camp in the capital, Khartoum, Al Jazeera reports.

The news network is quoting demonstrators, and is speaking to protesters by phone. One protester said that even if the sit-in was cleared, they would regroup somewhere else. Another was heading towards the sit-in site despite the danger.

In a post on Twitter, the Sudanese Professional Association (SPA) said the ruling transitional military council had assigned a large number of troops to disperse the sit-in.

The sound of heavy gunfire was heard in footage broadcast from the scene, Al Jazeera says.

A medical association affiliated to protesters said at least one person was killed and several were wounded in the raid.

Reuters is quoting an opposition doctors' committee as saying that at least 11 people were wounded by gunfire near the protest sit-in.

The SLA blamed the violence on the Transitional Military Council, saying that it was part of a plan to violently clear the protests.

"The killing and intimidation on Nile Street is just a prelude to committing a massacre to end the sit-in by force," the SPA said in a statement late on Saturday.

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