Idep and African Ambassadors Accredited to Senegal Celebrate Africa Day - What Sustainable Solutions to Forced Migration in Africa ?

23 May 2019

Dakar — In preparation for the celebration of the International Day of Africa, the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) organized on Thursday, May 23, 2019 in Dakar, a high-level conference-debate on the theme "Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced: Towards Sustainable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa". The meeting, which brought together members of the African Group of the Diplomatic Corps, and their accredited European counterparts in Senegal, as well as representatives of international organizations, is part of the IDEP Seminar Series on Development.

The AU proclaimed the year 2019; "Year of Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: Towards Sustainable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa", coinciding with the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Kampala Refugee Convention, the first binding legal instrument on refugees. By adopting a 2018-2030 Migration Policy Framework and an Action Plan for its implementation, African leaders agree on the need to formulate holistic and inclusive responses to the major trends of migration and current migration dynamics in the continent.

This high-level meeting helped deepen reflection on the root causes of forced displacement in Africa, discuss its consequences and propose durable solutions that will strengthen the implementation of the Migration Policy Framework.

More than 22 million forcibly displaced people around the world are in Africa. Conflicts, human rights violations, natural disasters, serious public health problems, humanitarian crisis, etc. can be at the origin of these forced displacements of African populations.

In her speech Mrs. Karima BOUNEMRA BEN SOLTANE, Director of IDEP, said that "countries such as Niger, Djibouti and Rwanda have laid the groundwork for the domestication of the Kampala Convention". According to her, "the sadness of reality on forced migration in the African continent requires the implementation of innovative policies on the part of the States".

After clarifying the concepts of forced migration, the presentation by Ms. Sophie NONNENMACHER, Deputy Director of IOM, set the specific context of the topic and questioned the need for durable solutions or progressive solutions.

From the point of view of the Dean of the Group of African Ambassadors accredited to Senegal, HE Mr. Jean KOE NTONGA, Ambassador of the Republic of Cameroon, the complexity of the phenomenon requires adapted management approaches both multilaterally and bilaterally.

This observation is endorsed by Ambassador Sory KABA, Director of Support to Senegalese Abroad, representing the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Senegalese Abroad, who stressed that "beyond the fact that international instruments transcend national policies, the negotiations between states of a country of origin and a country of reception of migrants make it possible to take charge of the aspects relating to the protection of the displaced populations. "

Indeed, this protection is necessary to the extent that the migrant during his or her journey is vulnerable to organized crime by smugglers and traffickers of human beings, according to the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Specialist - Trafficking of Persons- and Trafficking in Migrants, Ms. Annalisa PAUCIULLO of UNODC who presented instruments on this subject.

HE Mr. Taleb BARRADA, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Senegal spoke about the Global Compact for Migration and the experience of Morocco in the process. He mentioned that even though the Compact is not binding, it urges states to consider the dignity of migrants in their national policies.

Participants and panelists unanimously agreed that the Global Compact represents a significant step forward in addressing human dignity and respect for the rights of migrants. However, it is necessary to strengthen the partnership to find practical, sustainable and specific solutions to the daily problems of displaced populations. They must fully enjoy their rights of access to health, education and economic opportunities to improve their well-being in the reception area.

In addition to the Group of African Ambassadors accredited to Senegal, the conference brought together counterparts from other continents, senior officials, representatives of international organizations, as well as academics and experts working on issues related to the economic and social development of the continent. The Dean of the Group of African Ambassadors accredited to Senegal, as well as his counterparts, again welcomed the holding of a discussion on the continent's concerns and thanked IDEP for its facilitating role.

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