On 21 May 2019, Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) at the African Development Bank presented its 2018 Annual Report to the Bank's Committee on Development Effectiveness.
Covering a year in which evaluation and evaluators worldwide were called upon to "speak truth to power", the report, entitled Delivering, Engaging and Responding, focuses on how IDEV delivered evaluative knowledge; engaged with Bank operations staff, stakeholders and partners to strengthen its products and build a culture of evaluation; and responded to evaluation needs, demand and changes.
Of the 15 evaluation products delivered by IDEV in 2018, two reports were particularly pertinent for informing decision-making at the African Development Bank, namely: the evaluations of the Bank's Program Based Operations and its Quality Assurance across the Project Cycle.
"The actions taken by Management in response to IDEV recommendations include enhanced capacity building and training for staff in Project Implementation Units and executing agencies, and close portfolio monitoring and supervision," said the Bank's Senior Vice President Charles Boamah.
"IDEV evaluations are fundamental because they put a spotlight on issues that really matter to the Bank. They force us to reflect on and sometimes rethink the way we do business. So, ultimately, they're about making sure we keep on moving in the right direction," added Simon Mizrahi, Bank Director for Delivery, Performance Management and Results.
In 2018, IDEV strengthened its engagement with Bank operations complex staff as well as other stakeholders to improve its products and promote a culture of learning from evaluations. It was also proactive in disseminating its work and knowledge at international conferences and evaluation events. Moreover, IDEV responded to demand for additional evaluations, such as one of the implementation of the Bank's Development and Business Delivery Model.
The report also highlights how IDEV continued to improve the evaluation function at the Bank, including completing both a self-assessment and an Independent Peer Review, in order to draw lessons and further enhance the quality and impact of its work.
IDEV's noteworthy achievements in 2018 include:
15 evaluation products completed and presented to the Bank Board and/or Management, including its first ever mid-term evaluation.
The institutionalization of capitalization workshops at the Bank to discuss (with operations staff) findings, lessons and recommendations from evaluations and foster improved project designs and strategies.
The organization of the Development Evaluation Week 2018 which attracted over 450 participants.
Preparing a discussion on the Strategic Directions of the Evaluation Function of the AfDB.
In 2019, IDEV expects to maintain the momentum by delivering 18 ongoing evaluations and implementing its new work program while awaiting the arrival of the new Evaluator General.
Watch the animation here: https://youtu.be/HcML3-t1OBs
Karen Rot Munstermann