First Davos-Africa Night, hosted by Platform Capital, the Ubuntu Tribe, and Africa10 discussed how to accelerate Africa's digital transformation

31 January 2020
Content from a Premium Partner

DAVOS, Switzerland, January 23rd  2020 - Platform Capital, Platinum Sponsor of the night, Ubuntu Tribe one of the world’s most innovative digital asset companies, together with Africa10, hosted the Africa Night complete with an Afrobeat party at the Davos World Economic Forum 50th year anniversary.

The business programme centred on accelerating Africa’s development through digital transformation with Tara Nathan, Executive Vice President, Public-Private Partnerships, Mastercard; Lacina Kone, CEO, Smart Africa Secretariat; Carole Wainaina, COO, Africa 50 Fund; Jorge Sebastiao, CTO, Huawei;  Emmanuel Aidoo, Head of Distributed Ledger Strategy, Credit Suisse Group ; and David Ellington, Founder & Chairman, Silicon Valley Blockchain Society.  Annita Poulain, Technology Journalist, Reuters was the moderator “Making Wakanda a Reality: How to Accelerate Africa’s Sustainable Growth Through Digital Transformation

Special attention was given to the presentation of the Kakuma Refugee Project by Young Global Leaders, by Joseph Okello, a filmmaker raised in the Kakuma Refugee Camp selected to attend the World Economic Forum and represent his constituency.

Unlocking the value of Africa panel consisted of thought leaders such as Elsie Kanza, Head of Africa at World Economic Forum; Ozwald Boateng, Founder, Ozwald Boateng; Dr. Akintoye Akindele, Chairman, Platform Capital; Richelieu Dennis, Founder, Sundial Group; Kojo Annan, Founder, Africa10 and Cherie Blair, Founder, The Cherie Blair Foundation for Women with Jemima Kelly, Reporter, Financial Times as moderator.

Success stories were shared by high-ranking international politicians and leaders: Prince Jaime Bernardo of Bourbon-Parma, Count of Bardi; Queen Diambi Kabatusuila of Kasai Kingdom of the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed, Nigeria’s Honourable Minister of Finance, Budget & National Planning, who was interviewed by Dr. Akintoye Akindele, Chairman of Platform Capital.

Graced by Queen Diambi who shared ancient knowledge and wisdom, speakers like Cherie Blair stressed the role of African women saying, “The greatest thing about investing in Africa is the African woman. She is the heart of the society, the reliable part of the society, the supporter of the society and the leader of the society; and that’s the most important thing.”

The event closed on a high note with arrival of celebrity star, Wesley Snipes. joining a barefoot-dancing executive crowd to the sound of Afrobeats music led by delegations from Ghana, Mali, and Ukraine.

Sponsors of the event were: the Kenya-based Kakuma Refugee Camp Initiative. Vlisco, Smart Africa ; Africa 50 and OR Addict.

This follows Jack Dorsey of Twitter, Ali Baba founder, Jack Ma’s perspective of Africa’s importance in the future of global economy. The Davos-Africa Night co-hosts, Dr. Akintoye Akindele (Founder of Platform Capital), Kojo Annan (Founder of Africa10, & Mamadou Kwidjim Toure (Founder of Ubuntu Tribe) declared that:

“Africa has the best suited soil to embrace the Stakeholders Capitalism model proposed by Professor Schwab in his Davos Manifesto launched this year, because African culture is structured around community and collective consciousness inspired from the Ubuntu philosophy “I am because we are”. It is that same spirit and philosophy that unified the co-host to take Africa to the forefront of the global scene and showcase to the word what Alkebulan (oldest name of Africa, meaning Cradle of Mankind, Garden of Eden) has to offer to human civilization.” This was subsequently beautifully illustrated by Queen Diambi in her closing speech, stressing the generosity and wisdom emanating from the Motherland.

The Davos success has prompted Platform Capital, Ubuntu Tribe and Africa10 to initiate a bigger African movement at the WEF next year and launch: the “Africa House”.

Over 50 years, since the inception of the World Economic Forum, the rhythm and agenda of the week-long events have historically been set by Nation States, Government Leaders, Large Conglomerates and other major influencers.  This year, the 50th anniversary of WEF was different. It was no longer about a top-down approach, but rather a bottom-up approach where a new breed of rising African entrepreneurs, savvy investors and civil society leaders joined forces to put not just a country, not just a conglomerate but the whole continent of Africa and its 1.2 billion people on the map of global decision making.

About Platform Capital

Platform Capital is a growth markets focused, sector agnostic, principal investment and advisory firm with 5 global offices  (

About Ubuntu Tribe

The Ubuntu tribe is a passionate group of diverse people determined to contribute to financial inclusion and wealth creation. (

About Africa 10

Africa 10 aims to identify, inspire, mentor, educate and empower the next generation of African leaders (

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Ponmile Osibo


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