Namibia: Presidency Apologizes After Journalists Barred From Covering Launch of COVID-19 Facility

Namibian President Hage Geingob delivering the annual State of the Nation 2020 address to Parliament in Windhoek.
3 June 2020

The Presidency in Namibia issued an apology to local journalists after media workers were blocked from covering the inauguration by President Hage Geingob of a COVID-19 isolation facility at Windhoek Central Hospital in Windhoek. Two women journalists who were harassed by police, have reportedly filed assault complaints against the officers.

Below is a statement on the incident issued by Namibia Media Trust, followed by a statement issued by the Presidency.

Hands off (women) journalists!
The Namibia Media Trust (NMT) is appalled by recurring incidences in which public officials try to prevent media houses from covering important events and issues of national concern. We are opposed to the use of Covid-19 regulations to infringe on the rights of journalists to access information. Most specifically, we denounce any attempt to inflict bodily harm on journalists in the course of their work.

Media houses this week received an official invitation to cover the inauguration of the isolation facility at the Windhoek Central Hospital in Windhoek. They prepared themselves to adhere to the regulations announced by State House on May 28, 2020, according to which one journalist per media house would be allowed to cover an event.

The NMT has learnt that media houses received communication from State House just before the scheduled event, and were informed that only the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) would be allowed inside the facility. We appreciate efforts by government to ensure the safety and numbers of all guests and journalists through Covid-19 regulations at such gatherings. But there is need to revert to previous communication with State House in which the newsgathering process was explained, and that it is not feasible to expect media houses to rely on a single source of information and being unable to pose questions to deepen their understanding and that of their readers, viewers and listeners. If this preferential treatment is allowed to stand in the way proposed by State House, then there would be no need for journalists. This in turn dramatically impedes the watchdog role of the media and independent journalism.

Journalists Charmaine Ngatjiheue and Jemima Beukes from The Namibian and Namibian Sun respectively, were manhandled by State House security personnel when they attempted to access the facility. After a confrontation, and as they were leaving, a police officer reportedly shouted at them, “what if you got shot”, giving insight into the mindsets of our public safety professionals and the ease with which they would resort to opening fire on civilians. This is unacceptable, more especially since these were women journalists who posed no threat to these officials!

We condemn this in the strongest terms and call upon State House and government in general to liaise with media on a mutually beneficial arrangement that would prevent such distasteful occurrences and enable media to do their jobs going forward. It should be noted that the right to media freedom as enshrined in the Constitution cannot be suspended or diminished by a State of Emergency.

Apology to journalists for incident at the inauguration of the COVID-19 Isolation Facility

Dear Media Colleagues,

The Presidency herewith acknowledges the incident that occurred today, Wednesday, 03 June 2020 where members of the media were prevented from entering the Isolation Facility during inauguration by the President. The action taken to restrict media was to comply with social distancing regulations as a means to combat the spread of COVID-19.

The incident happened as result of miscommunication between the Presidency Media Team and the Ministry of Health and Social Services and is highly regrettable. The RSVP list was a precautionary measure in light of the health regulations under the State of Emergency and subsequent actions of the security officials were not of ill intent or delib-erate, but simply enforcing compliance to regulations.

We would like to re-assure the media that the Presidency values the important role of the media in a healthy democracy and will continue to ensure media freedom as guaranteed in the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia. The Presidency media team extends its most sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused by this incident.

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