African Development Bank's Independent Review Mechanism Registers Complaints About Bank-Funded Projects in Burundi and Kenya

5 March 2021
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)

The African Development Bank's Independent Review Mechanism (IRM), has registered two new complaints about projects funded by the Bank Group in Burundi and Kenya.

The Burundi complaint was submitted by representatives of people affected by the Nyakararo Mwaro - Gitega Road project (RN18 /Phase II, Kibumbu-Gitega Mweya) and officially registered on 22 February. The complaint alleges a lack of consultation with affected people, encroachment on and/or destruction of private property and discrimination.

The complaint in Kenya was submitted by representatives of people affected by construction works for the Kapenguria-Makutano and Chepareria Towns Sewerage System Project, which are sub-projects of the Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Program (KTSWSSP). The complaint, registered on 25 February, alleges: a lack of consultation with affected communities on the proposed project; violation of property rights; inadequate regard for environmental and social-cultural

considerations, as well as dispossession and displacement of affected people from their land.

The two complaints underwent an internal assessment process and were declared eligible by IRM Director David Simpson. "We have now notified AfDB's Management of both complaints and expect them to respond to the allegations raised in the complaint shortly," said Simpson, "Following this, the IRM will conduct our own independent assessment of the complaint to decide on next steps which will be shared publicly on our website."

The Independent Review Mechanism was established by the Board of Directors of the African Development Bank in 2004. It provides people adversely affected by Bank-financed operations with an independent mechanism through which they can raise their concerns, seek redress, and hold the Bank to account for ensuring it complies with its own policies and procedures related to sustainability.

Since it became operational in 2006, the IRM has received 105 complaints submitted by individuals, civil society organizations (CSOs) and affected communities. Its mandate covers both public and private sector operations of the Bank Group.

Further information about the Independent Review Mechanism is available here.

The official notices of registration of the complaints can be accessed here (Kenya) and here (Burundi).

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