London, United Kingdom, March 16, 2021 – Operis and Delphos International today announced a strategic partnership agreement between both business operations to bring together their synergies in financing projects in emerging and frontier markets.
Private actors and private finance increasingly drive development and unlock private financial investment flows to developing countries for large scale projects. The challenge is always to find the right partners to provide advice for emerging markets and for investments with more development impact.
Delphos Chair Bart Turtelboom praised the collaboration: “Together, we can better fulfil our clients’ needs, specifically, in the frontier and emerging markets that depend on these projects for sustainable economic growth,” he said.
The partnership will enhance the sourcing of concessional funding from development finance institutions for companies and projects in emerging and frontier markets. Together, both companies will create a collaborative advisory team to achieve effective and productive results for their international clients.
Operis CEO Henrietta Royle said: "While the people best placed to prepare new financial models are those within a company who know it well, not all companies will have analytical skills and resources in the quantity needed to respond as rapidly.”
Frontier markets business modelling are not one size fits all. A consultancy firm findings indicate that many companies are struggling with market entry. Those who use inclusive business practices are more likely to find success. According to the World Business Council on Sustainable Development, “an inclusive business is a sustainable business that benefits low-income communities. It is a business initiative that, keeping its for-profit nature, contributes to poverty reduction through the inclusion of low-income communities in its value chain.”
Operis is renowned for financial modelling expertise, due diligence, and funding advice, while the Delphos International team will bring their transaction advisory and concessional funding expertise with governments and development finance institutions. Recognized as a global leader in financial modelling for project finance, Operis, together with Delphos International, can build on this strategic partnership to allow for greater ease in providing advisory services to upcoming projects for frontier and emerging markets.
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About Delphos International
Delphos International is a premier independent financial advisory firm specializing in raising long-term, competitively-priced capital for businesses in emerging markets. Founded in 1987, we have arranged over $20 billion in development finance (equity, grants, loans, loan guarantees, and insurance) to support the efforts of over 1,200 companies. We specialize in tapping into the resources of more than 350 government agencies and multilateral organizations worldwide to help clients realize their international business goals and have sustainable impact. In addition to our capital raising efforts, Delphos International has broad experience providing transaction advisory and consulting services to government and private sector clients across multiple industries, including power, telecoms, agriculture, social infrastructure, real estate, and financial services, among others. Our geographic scope covers emerging and frontier markets globally, including Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. The firm’s Transaction Advisory and Consulting clients include USTDA, the World Bank, MCC, USAID, the African Development Bank, leading private equity firms, infrastructure developers and strategic investors, and foreign governments and utilities