South Africa: What's Happening In South African News - March 29, 2022

President Cyril Ramaphosa, City of Tshwane, television antenna, census (file photo).
28 March 2022

Cape Town —  

Ramaphosa No Confidence Vote - Court Throws Out ATM Secret Ballot Appeal

The decision by the Western Cape High Court on March 28, 2022 not to allow the African Transformation Movement's (ATM) appeal for a secret ballot in the no confidence vote against President Cyril Ramaphosa, has been welcomed by House Speaker, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula. The motion is set to held on Wednesday March 30, 2022 where political parties will debate it and vote on it in an open ballot.

Operation Dudula Underway in Pretoria, Motorists Warned to Steer Clear

Motorists are being urged to steer clear of certain streets in the north of Tshwane as members of the anti-foreigner movement, Operation Dudula are scheduled to march this morning. Metro police are advising the use of De Waal Street, Hardie Muller Street and Kitshof Street. Operation Dudula is a vigilante group that is pressing on with its drive against migrants and refugees in South Africa. One of its leaders, Nhlanhla "Lux" Dlamini, was released on bail of R1,500 on March 28, 2022 and ordered to surrender his passport. He is accused of theft and defeating the ends of justice when Operation Dudula members illegally raided the home of a Soweto resident they accused of selling drugs. The group's activities have been condemned by President Cyril Ramaphosa, who said "the government will not tolerate vigilantism". Human Rights Day on March 21, 2022 saw protest marches to Parliament in Cape Town demanding government action against xenophobia and violence against migrants and refugees.

Pretoria High Court Postpones Analogue Switch Off 

South Africa's analogue television switch-off date has been postponed from end-March to end-June, 2022. The government is switching off analogue television transmitters to free up broadband spectrum. An estimated 3.75 million households with analogue sets could apply for set-top boxes to "migrate" their televisions - but by mid-March 2022, fewer than 1.12 million had applied. The court said that is in the interest of the country and the economy that the digital migration is finalised. it is estimated that the migration will cost around R3 billion.

Still No Pay for Census Workers

StatsSA has still not fully paid its 2022 census workers. Field workers have been protesting at the Pretoria head office, demanding their salaries, saying that communication from StatsSA has been poor.

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