South Africa: Award-Winning Singer Lira Back Home After Suffering a Stroke in Germany

Screenshot of Lira's family statement. According to the family, the singer had recently travelled to Germany for a performance and suffered a stroke while there.
20 April 2022

Cape Town — Multi-award-winning singer Lerato Molapo, popularly known as Lira, was in Germany for a performance when she suffered a stroke. According to a statement from her family, the stroke has affected her ability to communicate and impacted her speech.

The statement reads:

"To Lira's beloved fans, clients and associates:

"As Lira's family, we would like to take this opportunity to share some recent developments regarding Lira's health. Lira recently travelled to Germany for a performance but unfortunately suffered a stroke whilst there. As a result, her ability to communicate, in particular, her speech, has been impacted.

"She is currently undergoing treatment here in South Africa, led by the best medical team available. Her medical team has advised that her journey to recovery will require patience and therefore, it is unlikely that she will be able to perform in the short term. That said, Lira is in good spirits and is surrounded by her loving family and close friends as she journeys towards a full recovery.

"We thank you all in advance for your prayers, support, kindness, and utmost sensitivity and consideration during this very challenging time in her life.

"Let there be light!"

In, 2019, the 43-year-old popular singer became the first African woman to be honored with her own Barbie doll.  The Lira doll was made as part of 60th Anniversary Barbie  Shero campaign  - an effort to inspire girls to be heroes.

She has performed all over the world.

Celebrities and fans have taken to social media to express their well wishes for her recovery.

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