Liberia: Open Letter - Pleading With the U.S. Government to Investigate President Weah and Top Officials for Corruption Before 2023 Elections


The Honorable Michael A. McCarthy


United States Embassy

Monrovia, Liberia

Ref: Pleading with the US Government to Investigate President Weah and top officials for Corruption before 2023 Elections.

Dear Ambassador McCarthy;

I am writing this brief letter with displeasure and intense frustration to draw your attention to a very serious matter. Sir, I believe the subject of this communication would require an SOS intervention from the US Government.

Your Excellency, I am a Liberian who is passionate about real change in my country. I am confident that real change in Liberia is only attainable if your government plays a more decisive and supportive role in ensuring that public funds do not end up in the pockets of corrupt officials of government.

Your Excellency, since 2018 When Mr. Weah took office, our nation has witnessed serious economic downturn. Citizens are becoming more worried than ever before because the future looks bleak. The scale of the economic hardship under President Weah is not only exponentially alarming, but also life threatening.

Parents are unable to send their kids to school, public hospitals are without drugs and some have threatened to shutdown soon, public education facilities are without equipment and households are struggling to find a meal on a daily basis due to the rising cost of living and lack of economic opportunities.

Your Excellency, the appalling irony is that, In wake of these daunting challenges that the people are confronted with, Mr. Weah and some top officials of his government continue to display mass acquisition of private properties all over the place and this has opened a window of speculations and allegations for which many Liberians are concerned about a possible mismanagement and squandering of public funds.

As we edge unto the 2023 elections in Liberia,Your Excellency, all I am seeking on behalf of myself and millions of other Liberians is for your government to launch a full scale investigation to establish if there is any possible link surrounding these allegations and the personal Wealth Mr. Weah and some top officials have aquired since taken office.

Sir, I am recommending that not just Mr. Weah and his associates, but, that, moving forward, future Presidents and top officials be subjected to thorough investigation to account for their first term of leadership before they can be allowed to re-contest in any election. Sir, You will agree with me that the fact that Mr. Weah was entrusted with public funds, he must be investigated so the Liberian people can have answers. I am convinced that if our leaders are aware that they would be investigated before re-contesting in any election, they would handle public funds with absolute fear and integrity. According to Albert Einstein "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Sir, if we must get a different result, you would have to do things differently. Our leaders should not be allowed to walk away after every six years without providing answers to how taxpayers monies were expended.

Your Excellency, as you may be aware, some few weeks ago, a cross section of Liberians presiding in the US presented a document containing 300,000 signatures to the U.S Congress, petitioning the U.S government to hold people accountable for atrocities and corruption in Liberia. This communication is also in furtherance of such efforts that seeks to ensure accountability in the way people conduct themselves while in public office.

Finally, I would very much like to appluade your government for the recent steps taken against Senators Varney Sherman and Prince Johnson of Grand Cape Mount and Nimba Counties respectively. Its my ardent hope that Mr. Weah and others can be made to account for their actions and inactions as well.


Varney D. Diggs Sr.

A Concern Liberian

Tell: 0886064679

Email: [email protected]

CC: The Honorable Molly Phee

2201 C Street, N.W.

Bureau of African Affairs

Washington, D.C. 20520

Assistant Secretary of State

U.S. Department of State

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