Liberia: Uncontrollable Garbage Disposal Troubling

Several residents within Paynesville are calling on the Paynesville City Corporation to be proactive in addressing the uncontrollable garbage disposal on the ongoing road construction project site.

The Paynesville City Inhabitants said, if the Paynesville City Corporation Authorities do not put into place a system that will address the garbage situation in a short period of time, the road that is under construction by the government will be a waste of resources.

According to Justina Gibson the inability regarding disposal of garbage on the street is a total disgrace to the city authority.

The dry goods business woman told our reporter that the Paynesville City Police needs to stop focusing on putting planks with nails embedded under taxis and applying their energy instead arrest those who will be dropping garbage on the streets.

Also speaking, Jefferson Toe a motorcyclist said the issue of disposing garbage on the street needs the collective efforts of everyone.

He said, the residents and that of PCC Authority have their part to play in finding a lasting solution to the uncontrollable garbage disposer.

Toe disclosed that the garbage is created by the community's residents who most of the time, gave their garbage to at -risk youths for disposal.

According to him, those at-risk youths are only interested in the little money that is given to them by the residents to dispose of the garbage, but are not concerned about the health implication.

He expressed the hope that those at the PCC will take action to remove the garbage that is being disposed on the road that is under construction.

Recently, the Director for Community Development at the Paynesville City Corporation, Aloysius Chieh encouraged community's leaders to take initiative by ensuring that their communities are clean.

He said PCC Authority is soliciting the needed support from its international development partners to assist in providing the capacity for community dwellers to have their community clean.

Chieh disabused the mindset of community residents for take their garbage from their communities to dump it by the road describing such attitude by residents as unhealthy for their community and the society.

Chieh said each of the trucks that they at PCC rent per day is three hundred and fifty United State Dollars including fifty gallons of fuels and the machine to remove the garbage from the communities .

He said the City Corporation is spending immensely on removing waste from the communities within the city.

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