South Africa: What's Happening In South African News - July 6, 2022

LGBTIQ+ flag, police tape, rugby field, South African currency (file photo).
6 July 2022

Cape Town — UPDATE as at 16h30 SAST

Muslim Authority issues decree on Same Sex Relationships

The Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) has issued clarity on its view on homosexuality in a short fatwa, saying those engaging in same-sex actions have removed themselves from the fold of Islam. The Council advised the Muslim community not to spread hatred. "The Muslim community should in no way ostracise them. The MJC noted that it is difficult to engage in a brief discussion on LGBTQI issues.

East London's Enyobeni Tavern Victims Laid to Rest

On June 26, 2022, the country woke to the tragic news of the deaths of 21 children under mysterious circumstances at a tavern in East London, while celebrating the end of school examinations. President Cyril Ramaphosa is among the mourners at Scenery Park in East London today where the children - many of whom are minors - are being laid to rest. While police investigations are still being finalised, it is suspected that the children  inhaled or ingested something that led to their deaths. The tavern has meanwhile been shut down.

Springbok Rugby Team Still Number 1 In World Rankings

South Africans are delighted to know that the Bokke remain tops in World Rugby rankings. As a sports obsessed nation, even though the Boks held on by a hairs breath, fans will take it! The number one spot was retained because of a a very narrow 32-29 win over Wales in Pretoria at the weekend, when utility back Damian Willemse kicked a penalty to seal the very sweet deal. Had he not worked his magic, the All Blacks would have pipped us to the top spot. We just cannot let that happen!

July a Brutal Month for Consumers, With Interest Rate Hike on Cards

Hikes in the petrol price - now R26,31 a litre - hikes in food prices, and now yet another interest rate hike on bonds may be on the cards when the Monetary Policy Committee meets later this month. For many struggling to keep their heads above water, those who bought at the edge of their affordability when interest rates were at a record 50-year low, may find it more difficult, if what experts predict, a 75 basis point increase is confirmed.

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