Liberia: Dillon - My Target Is to Remove Weah

Opposition Montserrado County Senator Abraham Darius Dillon says his target is to remove President George Manneh Weah from the mansion democratically in 2023.

Mr. Dillon has not announced his presidential bid for the 2023 presidential election, therefore, it remains to be seen how he will remove him through the democratic process.

Liberia is preparing for presidential and legislative elections next year in which President Weah and his ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) are seeking a second six-year term.

At a press conference on Thursday, 14 July 2022 to clarify whether he received an alleged US$30,000 as other lawmakers, Mr. Dillon accused the government of playing a game to damage his character.

"I got [a] target ... , and my target is to remove President George Weah from the mansion democratically in 2023 as president of this country. I will dislodge President Weah ... from power," said Mr. Dillon.

His comments followed recent developments here that lawmakers here have received US$30,000 each from the newly restated budget, but that Dillon had been very quiet about it.

The claim is that the money was budgeted for legislators just as it was done in previous budgets, but this has often angered the public.

Additionally, there has been a claim out there that Sen. Dillon took a loan that the government would pay.

One of the lawmakers, CDC Montserrado County Electoral District #8 Representative Moses Acarous Gray, alleged here that all lawmakers received US$ 30,000 for legislative engagement.

But Sen. Dillon denied all the allegations on Thursday and challenged anyone to come out with evidence that he took a loan or received the US$30,000 in question.

Sen. Dillon termed the allegation as completely false and misleading and intended to damage his hard-earned character and integrity.

He said he is more concerned about democratically unseating President Weah from national power instead of responding to foot soldiers.

"Why [do] you think the ruling party is after me? Because I alone, I am an army that can remove President Weah from power," said Dillon.

"This government is playing a smart game because they know I am a major voice in Montserrado and Liberia at large against them come 2023 that is why they are hunting me to damage my character," he continued.

"Between 2019/ 2020, I took [a] ten thousand United States Dollars loan from GTBank for my campaign and I paid," Dillon explained.

"However, since that time, I have not taken any loan from any bank again including GT bank. I challenge anybody that will bring documents that I collected loan outside for [the] government to pay," Dillon argued.

He vowed to resign as Senator of Montserrado County if proof is provided to back the allegations brought against him.

"Anybody who says that government officials are using loan for corruption, I'm not part of it."

Meanwhile, Dillon warned his colleagues in the opposition who allegedly refused to campaign for him during his Senatorial bid for Montserrado County that he too will not campaign for them.

Dillon said he will campaign for the re-election bid of opposition Montserrado County Electoral District #10 Representative Yekeh Kolubah.

He noted that he has the keys to the front and back doors of Montserrado County's 17 Electoral Districts, and he will determine who becomes representative and senator in the county in the next elections.

He vowed to also extend the advocacy to other counties where the people are ready to listen.

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