Nigeria: Tap Into Nollywood, Film and Video Censors Board Boss Urges Youths

The Executive Director of the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB), Alhaji Adedayo Thomas, has urged Nigerian youths to tap into the tremendous and massive job opportunities that abound in the Nigeria movie industry "Nollywood".

Adedayo made the call during the Media Literacy and Capacity Building programme jointly organised by the NFVCB and the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), Oshodi branch for youths and women on "Hate Speech and the Role of Film" in Lagos.

He said: "No matter your career, your services can still be utilized in the Nigerian film industry which is the largest employer of labour globally."

The Executive Director was full of commendation for the phenomenal growth of Nollywood, which has over the years served as a source of employment for many Nigerians.

He pointed out that part of the board's mandate is to constantly engage and educate the public to understand the activities of the NFVCB and the proper use of the media through its media literacy and sensitisation programmes across the country.

One of the resource persons, a former NFVCB member/ veteran actor, Keppy Ekpeyong, while addressing the youths explained how the media influences peoples' daily lives either positively or negatively. He warned the youths against using social media to spread fake news or hate speech, which has a way of rubbing off on the society negatively.

Actress Sola Kosoko, educated the participants on the need for proper use of the social media, noting that it would be advantageous for them to explore the viral 'nature' of the internet to promote their talents and businesses rather than hate.

The Zonal Coordinator of the South West Zone (SWZ), Uju Emagha harped on the regulatory functions of the NFVCB. She encouraged those who wish to come into production to ensure they meet all requirements before bringing their works for censorship and classification.

The Co-ordinator of the NYCN, Oshodi Branch, Monsur Ewetade, lauded the NFVCB for its efforts in sensitizing the youths. He maintained that the youths are veritable vehicle for sensitization on the negative effects of hate speech.

Ewetade said there is need for reorientation for the proper use of the media, noting that the awareness to stop sharing and promoting negative content and news should start from 'our homes'.

He also said there was urgent need for sanctions on the use of hate speech. Ewetade mentioned that the NYCN has produced a video clip on hate speech and its effects which will be submitted to the Censors Board for vetting and subsequent use to educate Nigerian youths on the negative effects of hate speech.

Alhaji Adedayo Thomas was named the Patron of the NYCN Oshodi branch, for his tremendous support and contributions to the Nigerian youths.

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