Liberia: Prosecution Witness Contradicts Police Charge Sheet As EPs Agent Kollie Appears for Preliminary Hearing

Monrovia — Prosecution First Witness testimony in a preliminary trial involving former Executive Protection Agency, Agent Patrick Kollie, on Monday, July 18, Made conflicting accounts from the previous statement made in Police Charge Sheet when he took the witness stand.

Witness Paul Leayen, a friend of the late Valentine Johnson taking the witness stand in a jammed-packed Monrovia City Court, during cross-examination noted that the Defendant came from his white sporting vehicle, with his arm on him, while in the police charge sheet, the witness also noted that the defendant went for his arm in his vehicle when before the occurrence of the incident.

According to the police charge sheet, the witness noted that Agent Kollie and some men believed to be criminals were into an argument when he went into his vehicle and shoot behind them, at which time the shot mistakenly hit victim Johnson who was coming in a similar direction during the scuffle.

However, witness Leayen said that they were four in numbers including victim Johnson coming towards the Police Academy Junction when they heard those close to the scene escaping the scene and raising an alarm, after observing that the defendant had an arm.

"I saw him shooting and he stood by his car and shoot. He was not sitting in his car," Leayen asserted.

His comment comes during cross-examination by one of the Defense Lawyers Atty. Saward Fallah during Monday's hearing.

During his explanation to the court, Witness Leayen said he does not know whether any of those who said Agent Kollie had a gun were criminals or not and has no knowledge of the distance between his moving bike and where the scuffle was taking place but said they were closed to the scene.

He told the court that he had never known Agent Kollie prior incident, but noted that the shot of the gin came straight towards their direction, missing him and hitting Victim Jonnson.

The bike which they were riding, according to Leayen, had four persons on it. and he was the driver, while Victim Kollie was the last on the bike.

Lean said before the incident, they had left the Jesse Bar in Neezoe Sunday, July 3, on a birthday celebration peacefully, without any scuffle with anyone, neither did they argue at the bar, and were heading to Duport Road to continue their celebration when Victim Johnson met his untimely demise.

The incident reportedly occurred at about 1:00 am, Monday, July 4 Morning, but the defendant had to escape the scene and was later turned over to the Liberia National Police.

He appeared at the Monrovia City Court after being charged and sent to court on charges of murder.

The Monrovia City Court is not clothed with the authority to hear capital offenses, however, the defense has prayed for a preliminary examination into the matter.

The preliminary examination is not a trial, but rather, a hearing to show whether the evidence provided by the state can prove murder.

The prosecution has however prayed for continuance, pending notice of assignment by Judge Ben Barcon.

The preceding police charge sheet had acknowledged Agent Kollie's unintentionally pulling off the trigger, which mistakenly shot Victim Kolie.

According to the Police, despite the defendant's admittance to the unintentional shooting of the late Johnson, he had no right to shoot at said period, knowing the basic firearm cardinal rules.

The charge sheet also noted that following the investigation, other eyewitnesses on the other hand noted that Defendant Kollie went in his car for his weapons to shoot at criminals who had attacked him, he missed the target and instantly killed Jonson.

"The weapon of defendant Patrick Kollie was discharged unnecessarily because there was no imminent threat posed to him," the Police charge sheet noted.

Nevertheless, the police report confirmed that Defendant Kollie was attacked by criminals and there was an argument ensuing between them, following a roadblock by the criminals at the Police Academy Junction.

Defendant Kollie has since admitted to the killing.

He expressed regrets over the incident, saying the shooting was not intentional.

In a rare interview with FrontPageAfrica at the Headquarters of the Liberia National Police, Kollie expressed regrets over the killing and asked the deceased family for forgiveness.

"We were fighting over my arm when it discharged one round, not knowing that someone was at the back," he lamented.

The deceased, according to the report, was riding a motorbike along with two other unidentified people when Agent Kollie allegedly mistakenly pulled the trigger.

He noted that he had never known Victim Valentine T. Johnson before.

Agent Kollie noted that as a trained security officer, it had never been his intention to pull an arm towards anyone for no reason.

He stressed that the incident occurred mistakenly as a result of an attack from those he believed to be criminals.

Meanwhile, Agent Kollie is currently in pre-trial detention at the Monrovia Central Prison, awaiting court trial.

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