Ghana: Development in Savanna Region Unprecedented - Regional Minister

The Savanna Regional Minister, Mr Saeed Muhazu Jibril, has touted the government's achievements in the region, saying the newly created region has received unprecedented development projects since its creation.

He said this on the Radio for Peace and Development breakfast show at Damango during his routine media engagement with the people.

Substantiating this, the minister outlined completed and ongoing projects in the various sectors of the economy.

On road infrastructure, he said a total of 10.5km of roads are under construction in the East Gonja District.

'15.5km township roads have also been asphalted in Damango,' he added.

With regard to education, the minister said a state-of-the-art Technical/Vocational Education and Training (TVET) school is being constructed in Salaga.

'The people of Busunu will soon boast of a modern Senior High School (SHS),' he disclosed.

According to Mr Jibril, the new regional education office, a court complex, health insurance office and office complex for the Regional Coordinating Council were also under various stages of construction at Damango, the regional capital.

The health sector is also affected by these development projects. 'A regional health office at Daboya is 90% complete,' he stated.

Mr Jibril said under the agenda 111 project, a district hospital is also about to commence in the Salaga North District.

The media engagement is to enable the Regional Minister to update the people on government programmes and development projects.

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