Uganda: Mao's Memorable Quotes - "I Can't Join Museveni's Government"

The Parliament of Uganda (file photo).

Over the years, DP President general Norbert Mao, an eloquent speaker, has made various comments especially about President Museveni and NRM's inability to

Today he was appointed minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs in Museveni's cabinet, a day after he had signed a cooperation deal with the president.

We look at the some of his comments made about the NRM, poor governance and justice over the years.



"I will never be bought with money and I can never join the government and leave my party behind," Mao told DP delegates on March 6, 2022.


NRM should either lead or get out of the way," he said in 2018 as the political climate heated up in the run up to the 2021 elections.

"Scientifically, with advanced age, leaders can simply become fatigued and less energised but adoring public may just not see what is actually happening because an incumbent has money, name recognition and influence to continue being re-elected and citizens only realise much later that a leader has become less effective over time and has lost touch," he said in 2017 at the height of the age limit debate

My goal is always to put the interests of the party (DP) above my own. I am sure history will absolve me, "2018

"Museveni is now in his 35th year as president of Uganda. His conduct since the day he uttered those profound words of prayer has been contrary to the spirit of that prayer. He will be judged by God based on that prayer," Mao said in May 2021

Mark my words and inscribe them across your hearts! The 2021 elections will be a great curtain raiser and catalyst for the transition to the post Museveni Uganda! The elections will show the fault-lines in our country. It will be a reality check on who we are as a country!" Mao said in 2020

That smear campaign is fuelled by sectarianism. It is baseless. I am not in politics for money. I'm not stranded in any way. 1986 didn't find me stranded. I was an A student in an A-rated school. The Mao who is a sellout and a Museveni stooge is a figment of your imagination!" Mao said in 2021 after accusations that he was a Museveni mole.

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