Liberia: CDC Announces Weah 2023 Endorsement Team

Monrovia — The ruling Coalition for Democratic Change has named a skeleton endorsement Committee to be headed by Mr. Nathaniel F. McGill and charged them with a responsibility of organizing an elaborate endorsement program at the SKD sports Complex.

Making the announcement on Wednesday at the Party's headquarters in Congo Town, CDC chairman Mulbah Morlu says, the event will be held at the SKD sports Complex and it promises to be an elaborate one that will ensure the gathering of thousands of partisans from across the Country.

He cautioned Partisans of the Party to welcome who be supporters of the CDC but are not members of the party.

"This is going to be the biggest gathering of people and it's going to be the largest gathering of people in the history of Liberia. Monrovia will be turned blue on that day. We want you to do it peacefully. Refused to be proved.

"The CDC chairman warned Partisans and leaders of the Party to work through the Party and through purposes. We should not and must not work across purposes we must work together towards one objective. We must stop looking at people with suspension. There is nothing here to spy on they are coming to help and support us.

"It is time to build bridges not only because of elections but because it is the right thing to do as human." Recently, The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, motivated partisans of his Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) to continue to work hard and remain hopeful for a better Liberia, assuring the nation that "the best is yet to come" under his leadership.

"To all partisans who made the sacrifice in our struggle, this is now the country that you wanted, where all Liberians can participate equally, despite our political, religious, or ethnic differences, and where there are no political prisoners or prisoners of thought or conscience," the President asserted in an address to partisans of the Congress for Democratic Change on Saturday, June 18, 2022, on their 17th founding anniversary.

The Congress for Democratic Change was organized in 2005 and became the lead constituent party forming the Coalition for Democratic Change which won the 2017 presidential elections."I want to assure you that the best is yet to come," he declared.

The CDC Standard Bearer acknowledged that the revolutionary journey of the party was not easy, adding: "The power struggle is never easy. But from our humble beginnings in 2005, see how far we have come. We have come a very long way, Fellow Partisans. We have fought many battles, some of them unforeseen and unexpected. But we fought peacefully through the ballot, and never through violence or bullets. We have always been a Party of Peace."

He said "people tested our resolve when twice they took from us what belonged to us. But we never resorted to violence, and accepted our fate peacefully and calmly, because of love for the country."

He further told tens of thousands of partisans who had gathered at the party's headquarters: "What people did not realize is that we began our quest for leadership because of love for the country. We could not touch Liberia's peace, Liberia's dignity, and Liberia's honor, because we were hoping for this day to come; so that we would have the opportunity to lead this country to prosperity, and to bring hope for change."

The Liberian Leader used the occasion to chide Liberians, mainly those who are seeking political power, calling on the international community and partners to impose sanctions on Liberia but at the same time aspiring to become leaders.

The CDC Standard-bearer also used the occasion of the 17th Anniversary of the CDC to reassure Liberians of his preparedness and determination to push national development beyond imagination.

According to him, the best of development--the best of education opportunities, the best of a stable economy, the best of a good healthcare system, and the best of making Liberia an oasis of peace and reconciliation--is yet to be seen.

Though his Government has made enormous strides in five years, President Weah believes there remains a huge window of opportunity to make the country what it ought to be in terms of socio-economic development.

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