Liberia: Jeety Receives Humanitarian Award

Renowned Indian businessman and philanthropist Mr. Upjit Singh Sachdeva (Mr. Jeety) has been certificated as winner of the National Humanitarian Award.

The National Secretariat of the Golden Image Awards, the Liberia Crusaders for Peace and partners in association with the Government of Liberia awarded Mr. Jeety during an event held on 21 July 2022 at the Monrovia City Hall.

The organizers indicated that Mr. Jeety's profile proved captivating, and it possessed all the attributes listed in the selection criteria."... [Hence], the committee selected you as the winner of the National Humanitarian Award," the organizers said.

President George Manneh Weah served as the Convener for the Award.

Days after the event, Mr. Jeety continued his humanitarian work in Margibi County on Saturday, 23 July, providing hot-cooked meals for all 177 inmates held at the Kakata Central Prison compound.

On his way to the prison compound, Mr. Jeety was accompanied by Engineers to do an estimate for the electricity project.

He assured the authorities at the prison compound during his visit to Kakata that before he returns next time, the place will be electrified.

"So, I have brought the Engineer who will [do] the estimate. When I come here next time ... this [facility] will be electrified," said Mr. Jeety.

He also promised to provide a generator for the Kakata Prison compound so that it can be used to provide electricity in case there's no power.

In December last year, Mr. Jeety put smiles on the faces of inmates and workers at the Monrovia Central Prison by providing running water in all its housing units, clinics, bakery and other sites that needed water.

He also included in the project the installation of two 500 liters of poly tanks for water storage along with a 5.5KVA generator for the supply of water at the Monrovia Central Prison whenever there is a power outage from the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC).

In observance of Liberia's 175th Independence Day celebration, which is due on 26 July 2022, Mr. Jeety said he thought to begin the festivity by sharing with the inmates at the Kakata prison center.

"It's not my first time coming here; I have been here before, and I have come, brought the hot-cooked meal as usual," he said.

In these festive times, Mr. Jeety urged that people give to inspire others, reminding them that the reward of what they do here is with God.

He thanked the Superintendent of the Kakata Central Prison, and the county authorities for the reception.

Mr. M. Kpakany Gbankpala, County Inspector, Margibi County, thanked Mr. Jeety for his humanitarian services.

He said Jeety's visit and provision of food for inmates at the Kakata Central Prison was not a surprise, but a continuation of what the Indian philanthropist has been doing.

"I like what he said, 'give not to receive, but to impact.' That is an innovation for all of us in this country," said Mr. Gbankpala.

Welcoming Mr. Jeety and his delegation, Prison Superintendent Major Nelson P. Woah expressed appreciation to the Indian businessman for his continued support.

He said he was happy that Mr. Jeety is about to undertake a project to electrify the Kakata Central Prison to boost security at the facility.

"On behalf of the Bureau of Corrections, we are very much happy to receive the donation from Mr. Jeety. Only people who fear God can do this for people who have come in conflict with the law of the land" said, Major Woah.

According to Major Woah, the facility has been out of electricity since the solar panel installed there by UN Peacekeepers spoiled.

He appealed to other business people in the country to follow the good example of Mr. Jeety and extend help to prison facilities in the country.

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