Ghana: John Boadu Breaks Silence After Losing General Secretary Position

John Boadu, a former General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has broken his silence following his defeat as the General Secretary of the party.

He lost to Justin KoduaFrimpong who polled 2,837 votes, against his 2,524 votes at the NPP's National Delegates Conference held on July 16, 2022 at the Accra Sports stadium.

Mr Boadu pledged his full commitment, dedication, assistance and support for the party's newly-elected national executives and promised to work with them with his rich experience he gained while in office.

In a statement issued in Accra yesterday he entreated the party to work with the newly- elected executives, particularly to ensure the party breaks the eight years of political party rule in the Fourth Republic by winning the general election in 2024.

"Following the outcome of last Saturday's National Annual Delegates Conference of the NPP, which saw the election of new National Officers of the NPP, I wish to, first of all, congratulate them for the feat, having earlier done so personally on phone with the newly-elected National Chairman, Stephen Ntim and General Secretary Justin Kodua Frimpong, and again wish them well in the task ahead which is surmountable.

"I wish to openly assure them of my unflinching determination, dedication, commitment, assistance and support to their administration particularly as we build up to the 2024 elections, which we are determined, focused and poised to win and I remain eternally grateful to the NPP for the huge investments the party has invested in me.

"I also wish to assure the rank and file of the party, I will avail the years of experience I have gained serving our party in my entire adult life, to assist and support the current administration led by National Chairman Stephen Ntim which I have trust and confidence in to break the 8," the statement said.

It admonished them to have trust, confidence and ability to steer the affairs of the party to make history by winning the 2024 elections to fulfil the hopes, aspirations and future of Ghanaians.

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