Ghana: British High Commissioner Installed Development Queenmother of Gbese

The British High Commissioner in Accra, Harriet Thompson, has been installed as a development Queenmother of Gbese under the stool name Naa Okaiitso Nmulami I.

The honorary enstoolment was as a result of the High Commissioner's heritage name linked with the Thompson's family in Gbese.

The outdooring which was done in accordance with cultural norms and traditions with regards to coronation of Queenmother in Gbese, saw the High Commissioner in splendid traditional regalia with all protocol fully observed.

Before the installment, Mrs Thompson was welcomed into Gbese Mantse, Nii Ayibonte II Palace with cultural performance, after which the history of Gbese was read out to the audience.

In her acceptance speech, Mrs Thomspon, thanked the people of Gbese, particularly, the Gbese Stool for the honour done her by giving her the traditional position to help develop the area.

She said it was not a personal honour, but it was as a result of the continuous relationship between Ghana and Great Britain over the years.

Mrs Thompson said she was aware that the role of Queenmothers in Ghana was to advise their chiefs, therefore, she would avail herself to play that role.

She said one of the areas she would focus on, was to ensure that tourism was not only enhanced in the area but also given attention in the city of Accra.

Mrs Thompson said that she would do her best with the support of the stool to be useful in her new role.

Nii Ayibonte was praised the Commissioner for championing social issues since assuming duty in the country in 2021 in the country, adding that, the people of Gbese were privileged to have such a high profile diplomat within their fold.

He asked for God's guidance and blessings to guide her in her aspiration to steer Gbese to higher height in it economic, social and development issues.

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