Liberia: Nobel Laureate Leymah Gbowee Expresses Fear Over Opposition Supporters 'DA Our Time' Syndrome Ahead of 2023 Elections

Monrovia — Noble Laureate Leymah Gbowee has called on opposition leaders and their supporters to get their acts together and stop the war of words, adding that it is time for them to get their EGOS out of the way and allow common sense to reign.

Madam Leymah Gbowee is a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011 for her work in leading a women's peace movement that brought an end to the Second Liberian Civil War in 2003. Gbowee shared the prize with former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Yemen-native Tawakkol Karman.

Madam Gbowee, through a social media post on the eve of Liberia's 175th independence, lamented: "Our nation, Liberia, is bleeding on every front--intellectually, economically, socially, and spiritually.

"Liberia desperately needs individuals that can combine all of their abilities, void of personal feelings, to work together to solve the problems."

"The rift in this bleeding nation needs individuals committed to reconciliation and inclusiveness to take us to the next level.

"Judging from opposition supporters' behaviors, I am afraid that if their parties are successful in 2023, we will suffer from "DA OUR TIME" syndrome, she said.

"It is time for supporters of the opposition candidates to get their acts together and STOP the war of words given the current state of affairs, it seems like "EVERYBODY DAMN STUPID HERE," she asserted.

According to her, since the disintegration of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) in Liberia, she has observed, with sadness, individuals who were formerly friends and allies constantly attacking each other and their candidates.

She said the former Vice President Joe Boakai's supporters, including Henry Costa, constantly attack and throw jibes at Mr. Alexander Cummings. Likewise, Mr. Cummings supporters, including Moriah Yeakula, repeatedly throw jibes and shades at Boakai's supporters.

She expressed sorrow watching leaders shed their integrity; adding that we live in a place where many people believe anything from so-called popular voices as the absolute truth about other people's characters.

She used her post to caution the supporters of the opposition politicians. "Do you all think that either candidate stands a chance divided? If the insults and disrespect persist, there will be zero wins for either of your candidates".

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