Liberia: SUP. Prowd - Investigators Head for Maryland County

Maryland county — A team of government investigators, including pathologists, is expected to leave Monrovia today, Friday, July 29, for Maryland county, Southeast Liberia, to probe two recent mysterious deaths in the county, Superintendent George A. Prowd, discloses.

Reinforcement from the Police Support Unit (PSU) in Monrovia had arrived there earlier to quell protests by aggrieved citizens demanding justice over the mysterious deaths of a student of the Tubman University in Harper City, Anthony Tiaka, and an eight-year-old boy Levi Koffa, in Pleebo, Maryland county, respectively.

Student Anthony Tiaka was found dead in his bedroom on July 3, 2022, with bruises and gashes on his forehead, penis pierced with a sharp instrument, and bled profusely from other parts of his body, while Little Levi Koffa, who reportedly left his parents' home for school on Monday, July 18, 2022, in Harper but never returned, lifeless body was discovered drowned in Lake Shepherd on Wednesday, July 20th.

Superintendent reveals that an initial team of investigators has arrived in Maryland to help in determining the causes of the deaths of the two persons.

Speaking during a press briefing on Wednesday, July 27, he said the arrival of the Police Support Unit is in response to calls to national government to beef up security forces in the county.

He calls on Marylanders to cooperate with investigators in helping to establish whether there was foul play in separate incidents.

Mr. Prowd hopes the arrival of investigators will end continued mysterious deaths, which have plagued the county over the years.

"Let's encourage all of our citizens to remain calm because the presence of the Police Support Unit is not to intimidate anyone but rather to buttress the efforts of our current security in the county. So, they need every one of us cooperation, if they called on anyone for further information, please adhere and corporate", says the Superintendent.

He appeared on a community radio station on Thursday, July 21, 2022, and urged residents to remain calm, as efforts are underway to probe the deaths. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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