Ghana: ECG Surcharges Obaa's Golden Plaza Gh¢ 58,544.41 Over Power Theft

Koforidua — The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has disconnected Obaa's Golden Plaza, a hotel operating at New Abirem in the Birim North District of the Eastern Region for alleged power theft.

The company disconnected power supply to the facility after it detected a meter by-pass during a surveillance of the hotel by the Loss Control Unit.

Obaa's Plaze therefore, been surcharged with an amount of GH¢ 58,544.41, being the cost of energy recovered from the illegal connection, while it was expected to settle all its indebtedness to the company before being re-connected, which is GH¢ 546,268.18.

The General Manager of Eastern Region ECG, Mr Michael Baah, who made this known to the Ghanaian Times in Koforidua yesterday said the discovery of the illegal connection came a day after the company had extended its one-month moratorium to its customers who had indulged in any form of illegal activities to own up, and visit the ECG offices for amicable settlement to avoid prosecution.

He said the hotel, which was engaged in an illegality, had refused to obey and complied with the moratorium which ended on July 20 this year.

Mr Baah stated that the company was poised to ensure that all illegalities were prevented to enable the company overcome one of its challenges, power theft that was causing a lot of loss to the company.

"The company will not relent in its efforts to chase individuals and organisations that have engaged in illegal connection in the region and we are going to make sure such unfortunate incidents were prevented to enable the company make enough revenue," he said.

According to him, the Revenue Protection Unit in the region, has been mandated to inspect all meters in the region to expose illegal power consumers for naming and shaming as was stipulated in the Moratorium.

"This should serve as a warning to all those who have indulged in any form of illegality. We are coming for you. There is no way you can escape our radar, and once you are arrested, we will hand you over to the law enforcement agencies for prosecution, " he added.

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