Liberia: Sen. Snowe Remains Unwavering

The Bomi County Senator, Edwin Melvin Snowe has re-echoed his support for his longtime friend, President George Weah in the upcoming 2023 elections.

Senator Snowe has disclosed that he pledged to support the Weah-led government if Bomi County were to have the developmental benefits which the county has been getting from this government.

Speaking on a local radio talk show, the Senator announced that Bomi County especially Gbah and Tubmanburg now have electricity in their county powered by the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC).

He mentioned that there will be a turnover ceremony of over ten housing units to medical staff in the county soon and there will also be groundbreaking for additional classrooms for the Bomi County Community College.

He added that contracts have been signed to get the roads in the county rehabilitated and also new ones constructed.

Talking about the division in the county that was seen during the 2020 by-election, Senator Snowe said that Bomi is unified and he is working with every politician to make Bomi better.

"From this studio, I will be on my way to attend the feast of Sando Johnson's late father." He noted.

After being elected twice in less than six years, Senator Snowe has been seen as one of the developmentally driven politicians that Bomi can boast of.

He said that there is no politician in Bomi now that is working more than he.

He has committed to endorsing and supporting candidates based on the kind of work they will do for the people of Bomi in the upcoming elections regardless of which party he/she supports or a member of. "Bomi deserves better" he uttered.

On the other hand, Sen. Snowe has condemned the violence carried out against protesters during the July 26, Independence Day celebration. He called on the Liberian National Police to take the matter seriously and let justice prevail regardless of who was involved on both sides.

When asked about the current debate among citizens about the newly passed Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) Law, Sen. Snowe noted that he was not in the country when the law was passed and has not fully read the new act.

He accepts the decision of his fellow lawmakers but argues that Laws are not retroactive. He believes that the current Commissioners of the Anti-Corruption body should have ended their term instead of re-applying.

He urges citizens to not only take one component of the law and brand it wholly.

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