Liberia: 'I Will Contest Margibi District Four Seat'

-Says Nugbar

A young Liberian, Joe Oldman Nugbar has expressed his interest to contest for district four seat in Margibi County in the upcoming 2023 general elections.

Margibi County district four current lawmaker, Ban A. Fofana has made it public that he wasn't re-contesting his position as representative of that district.

The statement from the lawmaker means that the district is now a "no-man's-land" and that anyone can be the next lawmaker of the area.

It is predicated upon this that representative hopeful, Nugbar has put this heart in the race for the seat.

Nugbar said as a young person, he has what it takes to represent the district and to do what is expected of a lawful lawmaker.

"Sometimes when you want to take on a task, someone would say you cannot do this or do that. The message out there is that we are not young to lead", Nugbar said.

When he was quizzed about how prepared he was, the young aspirant said, "Since 2013, I have been preparing myself for this task. I have been working with young people in this district, I have extended helping hands to people, worked with orphanages and people of needs like my brother from The Gambia parliament did with his people. I have close relationship with them; that is how prepared I am."

According to him, he has hoped to work with young people because as a young man, he has noticed that things are turning out bad for youngsters of Liberia. He stressed," I am taking the challenges right now so I can represent my fellow young people and lobby for them, their voices need to be heard at that level."

Giving an example of the Abdoulie Njai, youngest Parliament Member of Gambia, Nugbar said there is nothing that is impossible adding, "Those in the Gambia saw the potential in this young man and made him lawmaker so, it is possible with the level of work I have done in this district, my people can trust me with the seat to represent them at the Liberian Legislature."

Some of the things he said he wants to do as a person to help impact the society is by building a rehabilitation center in the district to get illicit drugs users at a rehab which will help shape them into a better person.

"I want to work with the young people to curtail illicit drugs because I am also a victim of it. My little brother who is next to me has fallen prey to the harmful substance."

"No one knows who the next victim is that is why I want to work hard and set a better stage my fellow young people", he passionately said.

Aspirant Nugbar said his level of confidence he has increased more for the fact that he worked closely with his friends from Youth Network for Positive Change to have brought Abdoulie Njai, the Gambian youngest member of the parliament to Liberia.

"His presence encouraged not only me, but all the young people who attended this year's conference of YOUNETPO. Let me salute the leadership of the organization and every one of us who worked to ensure that it was successful", the young representative aspirant said.

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