Ghana: Woman's Attempt to Enforce Sunyani High Court Ruling Against Ssnit Foiled

Sunyani — Pandemonium broke out at the premises of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), Sunyani on Tuesday when a middle age woman stormed the premises of the state institution to tow one of the vehicles belonging to SSNIT.

The woman, with the operators of the towing car was however, prevented by SSNIT Security personnel from carrying through the intended action.

The confusion created a scene in the yard, attracting many people who had gathered to catch glimpse of the banter between the two parties.

When enquired from the woman, Comfort Konadu Boateng, a resident of Sunyani, told the Ghanaian Times that her action was informed by a judgement by the Sunyani High Court on June 15, 2022.

According to the judgement which the Ghanaian Times has in its possession, the High Court presided over by Justice Douglas Seidu on June, 15 this year rule against SSNIT (defendant) and awarded a cost of GHC5000.

The court declared that the late James Kojo Arthur, a former employee of the Land Commission, Sunyani, lawfully nominated Comfort KonaduBoateng (plaintiff) as a beneficiary of the deceased SSNIT contribution.

SSNIT was said to have refused to release the said contribution to the plaintiff as ordered by the High Court.

The decision by SSNIT not to uphold the ruling informed the court to grant the plaintiff the authority to seize any movable property belonging to the defendant (SSNIT).

Ms Comfort KonaduBoateng claimed SSNIT's decision to flout the court ruling was that she was not legally married to the late James Kojo Arthur.

She confirmed though that they were not legally married, she had cohabitated with the deceased for 13 years.

When contacted, the Regional Public Relations officer of SSNIT Levinna Kenney claimed she needed clearance from her superiors from the head office before speaking to the issue.

Since July 27, 2022, the PRO has since not responded to the issue.

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