Liberia: New Unity Party Chairman Admits the Party Cannot Unseat Weah All By Itself

Monrovia — Rev. J. Luther Tarpeh, the chairman of the Unity Party has told FrontPageAfrica his plans are for the next hundred days in office is reconciliation, restructuring of county structure and a robust recruitment process.

Rev. Tarpeh despite being new in Liberian politics said he is prepared for the task and his transitioning into politics is about love for the country and not for himself. According to him, for too long Liberia has suffered from politicians making decisions that are only in their selfish interests.

Despite his interest in a collaborative effort, he believes former Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai is the only man fit in the opposition to defeat President George Weah of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) in 2023.

Asked if he believes in the idea of opposition political parties forming a united front He said: "We are aware that the Unity Party cannot take the seat of power in this country all by herself. We will need to collaborate but as we go into such a venture, we need to find a winnable candidate, someone Liberians believe in and for us as UPist, Joseph Boakai is the person Liberian people would like and someone capable of defeating Weah.

"There is a need for the opposition bloc to come together to defeat President Weah in 2023. However, it is also important that we call a spade a spade. We need to rally around a winnable candidate. Politics is about power for the improvement of the lives of the people.

"I would send this call to all opposition leaders in Liberia. As we go on the table to discuss, the interest of Liberia should be paramount. It's not about power for power's sake, it is about redeeming our country and as chairman this will be the underlining factor for me in any discussion," Chairman J. Luther Tarpeh.

After months of intense politicking among partisans, the opposition Unity Party (UP) on Saturday elected new officials that would pilot the affairs of the party for six years, with Rev. Luther Tarpeh emerging as the new National Chairman.

Tarpeh defeated Amin Modad, while Amos Tweh won as National Secretary, at the expense of Mo Ali. Dabah Varpilah and Cornelia Kruah-Togba won unopposed as Senior vice Chair and Vice Chair for Inter-Party and NEC Affairs respectively.

Former Bong County Superintendent Selena Polson-Mappy defeated former Monsterrado County lawmaker Josephine Francis for the position of Chairlady, National Women Congress, while Whroway Bryant clinched the position of Vice Chair for Membership, Mobilization and Recruitment.

Margibi County representative Ben Fofana is the party's new Vice Chair for Governmental and International Relationships, defeating Curtis Dorley.

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