Liberia: China Pledges Support to Group of 77, Jewel Starfish Foundation

The People's Republic of China through its embassy accredited near Monrovia over the weekend pledged overwhelming support and cooperation to the Jewel Starfish Foundation and disable people or Group of 77.

China aims to provide support to the less - fortunate and disadvantaged groups in Liberia for a better future.

During the dedication of the Young Women Christian Association of Liberia Jewel Training Center, Chinese Ambassador to Liberia Ren Yisheng said that it's important to invest in the potential of young women and girls.

He noted that it is also important to invest in the vulnerable group because they are part of society, m and are potential future leaders.

"Madam Vice President, China -Africa, and China - Liberia are good friends, good brothers and they have always supported each other," said Amb. Ren.

"We will do more to work with you to help the vulnerable group and less fortunate across the country," he added.

The Chinese Envoy assured Vice President Jewel Howard - Taylor that his country will continue to support the important work of her office.

"The Jewel Starfish Foundation, [Group of] 77, including the Jewel Training Center through our capability, we will do everything possible to contribute our best," Ambassador Ren stated.

He paid tribute to VP Howard - Taylor for her constant care, and love for the young people and vulnerable groups of the country.

"I want to extend thanks and appreciation to the Jewel Training Center, it's a beautiful facility at a very nice location and we feel proud about that," he concluded.

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