Liberia: Sali On Women's Participation in Politics

Margibi — As part of its "Liberia Election Support Project," Sister Aid Liberia Inc. (SALI) has conducted a daylong stakeholder forum in Kakata City, Margibi county on inclusive political participation and eliminating violence against women in politics.

SALI is a women-led National Non-Governmental Organization that promotes women's rights advocacy and leadership empowerment, research and policy engagements, and leadership and capacity building, mainly targeting women and girls.

The group works with individuals, institutions, social movements, and communities with shared interests to fight injustices, poverty, and human rights abuses against women and girls.

The recent event brought together women from different sectors such as the Liberia Marketing Association, National Traditional Council of Liberia, Ministry of Gender, schools and the communities as well as six women lawmakers and a senatorial aspirant, among others.

The Executive Director of SALI Madam Miatta Garmai Darwolo said the dialogue was intended for participants to make commitment of support to women who are contesting in the county come 2023.

"We're here to give our commitment; we will take word from your mouths and we will put it on paper, we will follow you wherever you are to ensure that the support you give here today will go for all our women who running to 2023," she told the women.

She said the Liberia Election Support Project is under the organization's leadership and capacity building program, saying "So based on all what we do under our leadership and capacity building program, we are running this program called the Liberia Election Support Project (LESP)."

She narrated that the Project is being implemented in Montserrado and Margibi counties with sponsorship from the Swedish Development Cooperation, Irish Aid, UNDP and UN Women respectively. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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