Liberia: Arrest, Prosecute All Evil Doers

The Bishop of the Restoration Baptist Ministries, Joseph Gardea Johnson III, has disclosed that freedom belongs to everyone in Liberia.

In his Independence Day Message to Liberians, Bishop Joseph Johnson III noted that freedom doesn't look favorably upon political affiliation, nor does it look down upon other people outside the scope, scales and spectrum of political power.

"Freedom is never tribalistic, never nepotistic, and never crony-driven by showing partiality to friends of those connected to the powers that be, "he indicated.

According to him, since 1847, Liberians have had enough of stealing, nepotism, mysterious deaths, rape cases, corruption, and failed leadership in every sector of their national life.

He furthered that hate and violence also have become commonplace in the country.

"One needs not to be a rocket scientist to accept with conviction the truth that now, we all need to build a new future for our nation, for our grandchildren, a future full of (transparency) accountability, integrity, love, and understanding for everyone regardless of who they are. After all, we are Liberians", he noted.

According to the Liberian Cleric, the country is now 175 years old and it is the time to develop the willpower to deal with the evils in the midst of Liberians is now, moreover, he did name some of the evils that are in the midst of Liberians' progress include rapists, murderers, rogues and drug suppliers.

"It's time we arrest and prosecute the rapists, the murderers, the rogues, and the drug suppliers, dealers and abusers who are vandalizing the intelligence of our youths. Yes, you heard me well, I didn't say let's find them, I said, we should arrest them because we know who they are. They are our children, our friends, our partisans, our church members, and our mason/fraternity brothers/sisters, our political comrades", he lashed out.

Speaking more on freedom, Bishop Johnson III, indicated that freedom is something that Liberians have to fight for.

"We've tried so hard to earn it, but we need to fight harder without favor, fear or political patronage to ensure everyone benefits from its promises", he noted.

According to him, Liberians need to fight harder not against each other, but against the vices that keep Liberians as slaves in their own country; emphasizing that Liberians need to fight against corruption and fight to replace all or any politicians who take for themselves what belongs to the people.

"Today, I call and encourage all of us together to create a safe environment for us and our children, especially for their future. Remember these timeless words of wisdom... "A country becomes great when it does the right things. But wickedness makes its people suffer." (Proverbs 14:34)... "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." (Ecclesiastes 8:11)"he noted.

The Bishop of the Restoration Baptist Ministries, Joseph G. Johnson III is becoming critical on both the Government of Liberia and that of its citizens these few days.

Sometimes ago, political pundits branded him during the administration of former president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as opposition cleric who was supporting the Coalition for Democratic Change because of his member vice president Jewell Howard Taylor who was at the time Senator of Bong County.

But contrary to the believed promulgated those political pundits, Bishop Johnson III is now more focused on the government and the ills in society that are affecting the growth of the nation as the role of a cleric regardless of their political affiliation as was indicated by some Liberians following his independence day message.

Some Liberians used the time to urge other clerics to emulate the positive stand by Bishop Johnson III and not to allow their personal benefits to destroy the country and its people due to the lack of love and unity.

They extolled Bishop Johnson III for his patriotic views for the overall progress of a new Liberia where everyone will enjoy the freedom of equal distribution of the country's resources and prevent injustices by few unpatriotic Liberians.

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