Liberia: UL Honors and Decorates Dean Warner for Outstanding Service

Monrovia — The Management Team of the University of Liberia (UL) has honored Counselor T. Negbalee Warner, outgoing Dean of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law.

Cllr. Warner was honored Wednesday, August 3, 2022 in the conference room of the Nathaniel B. Cassell Building on Capitol Hill for his outstanding service to the Law School and the university in general, since his ascendancy as Dean on July 1, 2016.

Dean Warner stepped down on July 31, 2022 after more than six years of stellar leadership at the Law School. He will remain on the faculty.

At a brief ceremony held on Wednesday on UL's Capitol Hill Campus, Cllr. Warner was decorated with the UL Presidential Pin, and gifted a key-holder, a mug and a UL customized jacket as appreciation for his outstanding service.

In separate remarks, UL Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Moses M. Zinnah described Counselor Warner as a man who always wanted to do the right things during his tenure as Dean of the Law School.

"You brought a lot of spheres to academia, especially the Law School," Dr. Zinnah said.

"I hope the platform you built at the school will enhance the works of Cllr. [Jallah] Barbu, the incoming Dean," Dr. Zinnah said further.

He clarified that Counselor Warner is not quitting the University entirely, but will continue to lend support in whatever role he can for the upliftment of the Law School.

Dr. Zinnah characterized Counselor Warner as a critical professional, but supportive in whatever he sets out to do.

He noted that "we were sometimes in agreement and disagreements on some of the issues, but we prevailed at the end of the day."

"People like you are very hard to find, but we are very glad that you are not leaving us and hope that you will come back to take up different roles in addition to teaching one day," Dr. Zinnah concluded.

Also speaking, the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, University of Liberia, Prof. Dr. Jonathan C. Taylor, thanked Cllr. Warner for further elevating the standards of the Law School.

"You have added value to the Law School in the midst of constraints and I believe there will always be opportunities to tap from. Thank you for the insights you provided," said Dr. Taylor.

In response, outgoing Dean Warner thanked UL President, Prof. Dr. Julius Julukon Sarwolo Nelson, Jr., and the Management Team for the recognition and honor they have bestowed upon him.

Cllr. Warner said the gesture was one that came as a surprise.

"I am very very happy for this honor because all that I heard here today are honest assessments of me for which I take pride in," Cllr. Warner said.

He buttressed the Dr. Zinnah's statement that he is not quitting the university, affirming that he will continue to teach and lend support in whatever capacity he will be asked to.

"I will remain with the UL because I love teaching and want to always fight for an honest cause," Cllr. Warner assured the UL Management Team.

He briefly recounted some of the moments he shared with students, faculty, staff, and administrators.

According to him, he intended to promote the agenda of the institution and not necessarily to impose his will.

"Because as a lawyer, I make my case but it's only someone who doesn't know structural society will think that he or she has failed because it doesn't go their way," he noted.

Meanwhile, the outgoing Law School Dean has recommitted his willingness to work and fully support the incoming Dean, Cllr. Jallah A. Barbu.

"I can assure the new Dean of my fullest support and willingness to give advice that will enhance his work. Not because of him mainly, but the UL," Counselor Warner said.

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