Liberia: Cllr. Gongloe Cites Reasons for Wanting to Become President - Says There's No Equity Under Current Regime

Monrovia — Cllr. Tiawon Gongloe, a presidential aspirant says his desire to contest the seat of the highest office in Liberia is based on the continued lawlessness on the part of the Weah-led government.

"I am running to be President because of lawlessness in the country. For a long time in our country, our government had not been able to govern by the rule of law and it has undermined public trust," Cllr. Gongloe said.

The learned law practitioner made the remark when he was interviewed on Daybreak Africa on VOA with James Butty.

According to Cllr. Gongloe, there have been selective applications when it comes to the implementation rule of law of the CDC government.

"This act has always undermined public in government," he said.

Also, Cllr. Gongloe promised to combat corruption when he becomes President of Liberia.

He said, "Corruption cannot be eradicated but it can be minimized and we can do a lot to curtail it."

Cllr. Gongloe further stated that his government will strengthen the application of the law. That way, he says will reduce the crime rate in the country.

"Under my reign, Liberia will be a safe place for tourism," he added.

"I intend to issue an executive order in my first 100 days that no minister or official of government will interfere with police operation, the police will apply the law equally," he said.

Cllr. Gongloe added, "We will issue another executive order that nobody will interfere with the judiciary system."

Cllr. Gongloe added that when he becomes President, he intends to institute what he termed an open government system where the President's salary including the asset declaration of every top government official placed on a website that people can refer to.

"I know President Joe Biden's salary just by punching a key but I don't know my President's salary," he said.

Cllr. Gongloe added, "The President and some of the Ministers have built houses in the first year of their government while the majority of the people are living in abject poverty."

He added that under his leadership, tax incentives will be given to a company that will establish in the rural areas, that way he will decentralize some of the activity in the country.

"It will slow down the massive road of going to Monrovia. Everyone wants to come to Monrovia for greener pastures and there is no job," he added.

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