Liberia: Ex CDC Executive Joins Cummings

Dr. Toga G. McIntosh, the former Chairman of the Governing Council of the Congress of Democratic (CDC), announced his support and pledged his allegiance to the Presidential bid of Mr. Alexander Cummings of the Alternative National Congress (ANC).

Addressing a press conference on Wednesday, August 3, the former Liberian Foreign Minister explained that Cummings has exhibited "uncommon vision, remarkable wisdom, exemplary and purposeful leadership that will liberate the people and country from the current strangulation."

Dr. McIntosh in his statement stated that his decision followed a realistic assessment and appraiser of all political leaders of the major contending parties in the 2023 presidential race.

Dr. Mclntosh said the CDC change for hope has become a lost hope, and its promise to the Liberian people has become illusory hope to many.

He said all social and economic indicators of the CDC shows that "we are far from taking Liberia to where we had promised, leaving our people disillusioned and heartbroken."

Dr. Mclntosh said the current state of affairs requires all conscious minded Liberians to look and act beyond party politics, family relations, and friendships and focus on the prime interest of Liberia."

"Liberians have no choice but to regroup and work harder and honestly to rescue Liberia from the current deep hole she finds herself in. Liberians must work harder to reconstruct our beloved country to effectively reclaim its rightful place in the global arena," Dr. Mclntosh said.

The former CDC Executive Official said Liberia needs a new kind of thinking in its approach to growth and development, and to rewrite a new narrative that will ensure the survival and development of Liberia.

He said the current situation requires a strong Liberian leadership team, that is competent, resourceful, tested in administration and management and one that will create new opportunities for Liberians.

Dr. Mclntosh vowed to support Mr. Cummings actively and openly as the most credible and purposeful presidential candidate that is committed and capable to bring real change and renew hope to the Liberian people.

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