Liberia: Grand Bassa Circuit Court Judge Joe A. Barkon in Deteriorating Condition After Tragic Motor Accident - Seeks Help for Advance Treatment

Grand Bassa — The health condition of Grand Bassa County Second Judicial Circuit Court Judge, Joe A. Barkon, has continued to deteriorate, following a tragic motor accident on July 27, a day after the Independence Celebration.

To date, Judge Barkon is unable to regain normality in movement since he was admitted at the ELWA Medical Center for treatment.

Though he still struggles to speak about his health condition, Judge Barkon told journalists from his sick bed via mobile phone that his situation has turned critical that he is unable to sit and eat by himself and is now using tube to urinate.

He believed that going for advance treatment will be the only means to get back to normality, as being advised by medical practitioners at the Hospital.

Judge Barkon noted that it was time that movement and others come to aid him with his statement, because he is unable to shoulder the cost if seeking the treatment abroad, as recommended by the hospital.

Judge Barkon was involved in the tragic accident following his return from a church service at the First Baptist Church located at the Congo Town Back Road.

According to him, thee incident was as a result mechanical fault being faced by his official vehicle, which resulted to uncontrollably speeding towards him and breaking his pelvic.

Doctors at the ELWA Hospital are recommending that the Judge be take to India to advance treatment.

Judge Barkon who was appointed by President George Weah in 2018 is also seeking the Judiciary's assistance.

Over the weekend, Chief Justice Francis Korkpor paid a visit to the King Judge and assured him that the Judiciary will engage President Weah on the situation.

Meanwhile, the National Association of Trial Judges of Liberia's First Vice President A. Blamo Dixon has written the association's President Judge Nancy Finda Sammy to help intervene in the situation of their member.

Judge Dixon wants the association to assist the killing Judge with a reasonable amount to travel abroad for advanced treatment.

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