Liberia: Returnee Network Vocational Training Program Graduates 178 Students in Several Disciplines

Monrovia — Liberia Returnee Network (LRN) Vocational Training Program, a vocational institution training program established by a group of Liberian professional volunteers who returned from exile (refugee camps) has graduated 178 students, three male, from its cycle 9th training program.

Liberia Returnee Network was established in 2012 to contribute to the socioeconomic development of Liberia. In 2014, the vocational training program was launched and began full operation on January 9, 2015.

The institution is sponsored by the "Bread for the World" an organization in Berlin, Germany and the Association of Liberian Business in America (ALBA).

Over the weekend; 178 participants of the skills training program graduated. The program was held under the theme "von ke chen", which means "fight to cross".

The circle 7th training program graduation exercise of the Liberia Returnee Network Vocational Training Program was held over the weekend at the Destiny Events Center, Monrovia.

Speaking at the event held at Destiny Events Center, in Monrovia, the District #1 Representative of Grand Gedeh County Erol Madison Gwion Sr. who serves as keynote speaker praised the Liberia Returnee Network for what he terms as serving humanity.

The Grand Gedeh County District #1 Representative is one of the founding members of the Liberian Returnee Network.

Representative Gwion said: "Having a positive impact in one's life, reminds you of the values you bring and give to the purpose of your own life. This makes you feel fulfilled and makes you happy".

The Grand Gedeh Lawmaker used the occasion to call on LRN and donors to help "at risk youths" in the country to receive vocational training.

He admonished graduates to make themselves and their families proud, by making good use of the skills they have learned.

Emmanuel Tyrone Marshall is the Executive Director of the Liberia Returnee Network. The Executive Director speaking narrated how difficult it was when he first returned to Liberia. He furthers that he stated the institute with four person's signatories to the document establishing the LRN.

"When a dreamer dreams; it takes people with heart to help him implement. When a leader steps forth, it takes courageous people, sacrifice and commitment to make his leadership work", the Executive Director, Marshall said.

The LRN also used the occasion to unveil a 60-housing unit project, which is intended to help integrate Liberians who are soon to arrive in the country from Ghana and other West African countries.

Also, the Executive Director of Liberia Refugee Repatriation and Resettlement Commission (LRRRC), Rev. Festus Logan, pledged his entity's support towards the work the institution is doing.

Rev. Logan added: "We work in collaboration with LRN to successfully bring back Liberians from the Buduburam Refugee camp, located in Ghana."

Also at the graduation program, several persons and institutions received awards for their service to Humanity and for partnering with the LRN.

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