Liberia in Coma!

"I feel a binding duty to my fellow Liberians to call spade a spade. Things are bad and only getting worse. Our Mama Liberia has entered a state of coma," former Presidential Aspirant, Dr. Toga Gayewea McIntosh asserts.

Dr. McIntosh also emphasizes that Liberia has been brought down on its knees during the last four and a half years of President George M. Weah's regime and is technically bankrupt in the various sectors of the economy and society.

"What is needed to get us out of this deplorable situation, is a new and higher level of international and domestic confidence in Liberia that will lead to renewed investments, and respectability to begin the process of revitalization, growth, and sustained development," the Liberian politician who recently parted away from with the CDC says.

Dr. McIntosh noted that the priority on the Liberian agenda must therefore be one of saving our dear Liberia and that Liberians must, for a start, rewrite a new narrative to ensure the survival and development of Mama Liberia.

"We must redefine the political structures and economic directions of the state. I am not talking about merely changing party names and actors only to repeat the past failures rather, we need a good break from the past to create the new Republic of Liberia," he added.

This, Dr. McIntosh said, is a must and a precondition, if the people are to be lifted out of abject poverty, and if the country is to be taken off the slope of underdevelopment.

The renowned internationalist furthered: "We need at this time a strong Liberian leadership team that is competent, resourceful, tested in administration and management, one that creates new opportunities for the most underserved among us in this new Liberia. Such a mission needs a competent and honest leadership team with a clear visionary path, uncompromising commitments, and a collective sense of purpose."

The nation's reconstruction mission also requires the presence of appropriate functioning governing structures, and systems capable to formulate and implement smart policies, strategies, and programs, he said.

"In 2023, we again have an opportunity to rescue our country, and this we must do. Our people are eagerly looking for a new Liberia. A Liberia with better measures instituted to manage our vast natural resources effectively and transparently for the maximum benefits of our people." Dr. McIntosh indicated

As I observe the happenings over the last five years, it seems to me that the leadership of the coalition, including members of the governing council, did not, or cannot adequately manage the misdirection in which our dear Mama Liberia is going, Dr. McIntosh intoned.

"All social and economic indicators showed that we are far from taking Liberia to where we had promised, leaving our people disillusioned and heartbroken and Liberians must work harder to reconstruct our beloved country to effectively reclaim its rightful place in the global arena," he cautions.

As recent as five years, Dr. McIntosh was at the forefront in the formation of policy mechanisms of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC). He was an integral part of the team that drafted the coalition's agreement document. He was also actively involved in the earlier decision-making sessions of the CDC Governing Council, which has become dormant in the last two and a half years. Dr. McIntosh has also served as the National Chairman of the CDC Presidential and Legislative Campaign of 2017.


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