Liberian Homosexual Who Escaped Death, Fears Threat From Family, Friend Back Home

Monrovia — Bobby Quille Toe, a proud gay who escaped death for his advocacy for LGBT rights to live freely in a country's cultural orientation doesn't accept such norms and is currently living in uncertainty and fear of returning home, amid threats from family members and friends.

Toe, who had accepted his way of life and believed it had made him pass over frustration he encountered in his previous social life noted that the several threats he continue to receive from back home is creating trauma for him since he escaped Liberia as a result of steady attacks from anti-gay campaigners.

Toe was brutalized by anti-gay protesters and students, following a pronouncement made by former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf against gay practices in Liberia and reinforced by current Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor's anti-gay law, and had to escape in exile for safety.

His situation worsen when he was chased and beaten by students at the University of Liberia in 2012.

Toe's quest to reside at home seems not to be possible, due to him being neglected by his family, some of whom have issued threats against his life.

In his narrative to FrontPageAfrica, recently Toe said before engaging in his new life, he had two kids with his previous relationship, but the lady in question has since refused him of getting access to his daughter who is now 20 years old, and his little son.

At the same time, said some friends back home have hinted to him that his daughter is being shunned daily at her school for being involved with a similar act of homosexuality.

The mother of his daughter Hellen Zoe, when contacted about the claims made by Toe, noted that her daughter escaped the Community as a result of being provoked by her friends.

She admitted refusing to allow her daughter to associate with her father (Toe) on grounds that his engagement with homosexual activities does not was uncalled for.

She explained that Toe's daughter is currently playing soccer, something that has increased the bullied against her and her father, thus leading to her leaving the community secretly.

"Because of this act, some people in the community have been treating to do bad to us, if I don't take his daughter from the community. Some of his friends who used to come around always putting the mouth on me that the thing your children father in is bad and his children following it to, so they don't want to associate with us," Madam Zoe noted.

"I can be a shame because every time people see me, they always mock me about his business and I regret why I have to born fit him, then he went into that thing. What I have to say is that he should be by himself and I don't want to even see him around me."

What now seems very critical about Bobby Toe is the fact that his family is upset about his attitude and is ready to do all to get him off the family list.

His mother Ma Lewis Toe, told FrontPageAfrica in an interaction that her son had brought total disgrace to the family by engaging in said act.

She said the fact that Bobby, having known fully that he is from a strong Christian background, but decided to get involved with homosexual activities makes him unfit to be a member of her lineage.

"Bobby is my son, but the certain thing he is involved with does not go down well with me. I am a Christian and a believer and don't expect my son to be gay," Madam Toe noted.

She said the news has created trauma for her and she does not want to see Bobby anymore.

"The same thing I was afraid of is what people are saying to his daughter, that she is involved with the same act and she has dropped out from school, because of that, where he is, let him remain there. I don't want to see him anymore," Madam Zoe noted.

"The life he is living had made people keep embarrassing me and so, because of that, when he comes to Liberia, I can pay people for them to do something to him and let God punish me because his act is offending to me."

Bobby Toe was one of those leading the crusade to give LGBT to have a free space of association and movement in Liberia.

Toe along with several other Gay-rights activists including Archie Ponpon, who was on two occasions, resisted posing for the rights of LGBT in Liberia.

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