Liberia: CDC's Mcarthur Hilton Renovates Party Headquarters in Mont. Co. District 11

Monrovia — Ahead of the 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections, political parties and institutions aren't being remiss of the significance of strengthening and consolidating their grass-roots bases to ensure their formidable standings in the ensuing elections.

One party that seems to be tightening the nuts and bolts of her Counties and Districts' leadership through the empowerment of its local structures by senior partisans who are bent in ensuring President George Weah's re-election is the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change.

For example, the Party's Montserrado District Eleven Office located in Barnersville, ' Bend-and-stop' was a scene of jubilation as partisans and well-wishers woke up during the early hours of August 6, 2022, to a surprising rehabilitation works on the roof of the structure hosting the Party's Headquarters financed by Hon. McArthur Hilton, a Stalwart of the Coalition for Democratic Change who resides in the District.

It can be recalled that the Party's District 11 Headquarters which was officially opened last year through the efforts of the District Coordinator, Jerhee Gaye Tarr and other District Executives has since the beginning of this year been challenged with the need of attention to have the offices be given befitting face-lifts, but speaking to this paper, Mr. McArthur Hilton disclosed that his intervention was a timely response to the needs of the District Office and a demonstration of his continuous engagements to ensure that President Weah is re-elected.

He noted further that the project is put around US$6350.00 and would encompass the changing of the entire structure roof which has been completed, painting of both the interior and exterior of the building, laying of floor tiles, replacement of damaged furniture, and a donation of hundred plastic chairs which will be used during party's functions.

Mr. Hilton who is also an executive of the CDC- Canada has earned himself a reputation for identifying with the CDC whenever the party has been in dire need of support. In 2014 he made huge donations of relief items to the party at the height of the Ebola pandemic to aid its fight against the deadly Ebola Virus Disease. He previously also made donations of computers and other accessories to the party.

Despite being a solid member of the CDC, Hon. Hilton who also serves as Deputy Managing Director for Technical Services at the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation is a humanitarian beyond borders. He continues to touch the lives of many young people and less privileged Liberians by providing them with basic needs assistance. His down-to-earth attributes have earned him the nickname "Countryman".

In 2020, he organized and financed a massive sporting initiative in the District that brought together hundreds of young people. At the end of the tournament, cash prizes and scholarships were awarded to deserving participating teams and individuals.

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