Ghana: Taskforce Pulls Down Brothels At Wassa Amenfi West

Takoradi — Dozens of makeshift structures used as brothels by commercial sex workers in some communities in the Wassa Amenfi West Municipality of the Western Region, were on Monday demolished by a taskforce.

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Mr Lord Nana Tandoh, led the

the Municipal Security Committee (MUSEC) taskforce, comprising personnel of Ghana Police Service, Ghana Immigration Service, National Security and Ghana National Fire Service, to carry out the operation.

The team found juju (witch power), condoms, cooking items, gas cylinders and dirty clothes when the structures, mainly made of plywood and polythene films, located in the business hub of Asankrangwa, the municipal capital, Aboi Nkwanta and Wassa Dunkwa, were pulled down.

When the team arrived at Asankragwa, the commercial sex workers fled their abode and raised the alarm for their colleagues at other locations to escape.

Commercial sex activities, in the region, particularly at mining areas, involve Ghanaians and foreigners, who serve miners and the inhabitants.

Mr Tandoh, briefing journalists after the exercise, said that commercial sex activities posed security threat to the municipality "since no one can know what or whom they might be bringing to their various places."

The MCE said though Ghana is a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and home to citizen of other member countries, Ghanaian authorities would not tolerate negative practices by foreigners in the country.

He said the operation would not be a one day wonder, but sustained to ensure that " we deal with those people who engaged in such activities."

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