Ghana: President, Ya-Na, Commends Farouk Mahama for Yendi City Project Initiative

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and Ndan Ya-Na Abukari II, King of Dagbon has commended Alhaji Farouk Aliu Mahama, Member of Parliament (MP) for Yendi Constituency in the Northern Region for his efforts towards the progress, growth and development of the area.

The President and the Overlord of Dagbon commended the MP for his dynamism, dedication, determination and commitment for ensuring a better welfare of his constituents.

Alhaji Mahama received the commendations at the Gbewaa Palace when the President visited the Palace to pay homage to the Overlord to ask for his blessing to begin his two-day tour of the region.

President Akufo-Addo as part of his tour was to cut a sod for the commencement of the construction of a 2.53 kilometers Yendi Dualisation Town Road which is expected to be completed within seven months.

Ya-Na Abukari II revealed that Alhaji Mahama had been greatly intervening by supporting and assisting the people of Yendi and its environs with supply of potable drinking water through construction of boreholes in many parts of the constituency.

"He also supports the Yendi town residents with water by paying to commercial water tanker suppliers when the need arises at all times," he noted.

President Akufo-Addo told the Ya-Na Abukari that the development that Dagbon was seeing now was translation of the peace, unity, harmony and cohesion the kingdom was enjoying.

Alhaji Mahama reiterated that his office as an MP would continue to support and assist the course of the government to deliver on his mandate and the Yendi City Project initiated by his office was manifestation of the love he and President Akufo-Addo had for the people.

He assured the president that his outfit was working towards achieving 80 per cent win in the 2024 elections and the progress, growth and development of Yendi was top priority on his agenda and lauded the President, Overlord of Dagbon and the people of Yendi for their care, assistance, support and appealed to them to continue to pray for him to deliver.

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