Liberia: Ery Factory Plank Field Residents in Dire Need of Safe Drinking Water

Over 5000 residents of Battery Factory Plank Field Community in Battery Factory are said to be in dire need of safe drinking water.

The plank Field, a slum area usually faced this dilemma during the rainy season.

The slum dwellers indicated that due to this challenge, most of the children are at risk in the search for safe drinking water.

The route leading to most of these homes in the area is made out of plank bridges that are built in the water.

"Usually our children are the ones who fetch safe drinking water for our various homes", a resident said.

While in search of water or bringing water back home, most often, they fall in the water leading to wounds", one of the slum dwellers explained to the WASH Media.

Residents told WASH Reporters that getting safe drinking water for daily consumption has become a herculean task for them.

Most of the residents asserted that the search for water carried them as far as Doe Community and Daqueeh Town.

"We used canoes to cross over to Doe Community to purchase safe drinking water at the price of fifty Liberian Dollars sometimes for 3 or 5 gallons container", Residents said.

To WASH Media Investigation, most of the kids in this community do not go to school whenever the rainy season sets in due to flooding.

Safe drinking water is not only the problem faced by the residents; they also expressed the dire need for the clinic.

"The lack of clinic in our community is another problem for us, especially our children", an elder noted.

The problem of safe drinking water is a major challenge that slum residents encountered on the daily basis, not only inhabitants of Plank Field in Battery Factory face this challenge.

Most inhabitants of slums in and around Monrovia are facing a similar problem.

Meanwhile, residents are appealing to International partners and the government to ensure that the issue of safe drinking water is addressed.

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